Day 3 Running On This Week - 3 KM Again in GBK Stadion

in Hive Run 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️6 months ago (edited)

Third 3 KM On This Week


Yesterday, When I was off duty, I took the time to go back to GBK's stadium and complete my minimum quota for this week. Many people suggested me to run at least 3 times a week, so this is my third time exercising this week..

Besides, last time I said that there is something wrong with my Strava because there is big gap with my watch. Thanks a buck @erilej for your advice because now my Strava application is suit in KM.

As you know that sometimes we should to pressured our self so that not lazy to do exercise. Yesterday I feeling like I don't want to run but I have no choice because yesterday is my only free day. Next day I will busy from my work, so it is what it is.

Although I kinda lazy, I accomplished the third 3KM. Something that annoyed me is about, when I had a race like Digiland and Women's Day which had 10 KM distance, I have never more heavy than this 3 KM exercise? Why does 3 KM is like 20 KM for me, hahaha...

Here the result from my watch. It's 3 KM with two times take a rest. It was not better than yesterday. The Pace and the cut of time was not better than yesterday. I think I should trained well tomorrow for better result.

This is the result from my Strava Application. Now it is on KM not Miles.

I have always run in GBK Stadion because this is the fit space to keep run without worried about the pollution. That is why I could not running in others place because people will staring at me, It would make me nervous.

Thanks in advance, to read my blog and hope you like my post!
See you...

Vivie Hardika

I have so much imagination in my head. Something that I can't achieve as a human and as a girl. So writing is very challenging. Since Junior High School, I have written whatever I want to write. Without skill, I just write what I want to read. Now I have 12th published novels and all of them are romance.

Yeah, I proudly say that I am a passionate author.


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Aw thanks for your invitation, I sure will be join.