The Ferns contain more than 10,000 species in the world. Of which some arborescent species it can go up to a little more than 10 meters. At home it will not be more than 1.5 meters in height
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In this picture you can see the small black areas under the leaves is the fern's way of reproducing it. Ferns do not produce seeds, they multiply through spores.
The ash of the local fern was used for making soap. A story also says that the rhizome mixed with ginger was an aphrodisiac but I confess I have no proof.
At home ferns only grow in damp and dark areas. For example in the forest, or facing north behind a wall. This photo shows us a fern under several trees, the sun's rays cannot filter down to the ground which makes it a wonderful place for it.
In the following two photos you can see another local species of fern which lives on the walls in the shade of the sun. This species has leaves that are no longer than 15 centimeters.
All original photos @Cyboule