En mi libro favorito de la infancia no recuerdo mucho, para ser sincero. Pero si sé que leí muchos y 1ue era una de las cosas que me ponían a hacer en la escuela.
También recuerdo que cuando iba a casa de una prima ella tenia una biblioteca muy grande con varios volúmenes de libros infantiles y lei varios. Sin embargo, el dia de hoy quiero hablar de Caperucita roja.
La historia de una dulce niña que sale de su casa a visitar a su abuela a ver como seguía ya que estaba sola en su hogar y como la quería mucho la iba a llevar unas cosas.
Y aunque todo en un inicio transcurre muy tranquilo. A mitad de su viaje un ser malintencionado busca aprovecharse de la chica de la caperucita para llevarse todo lo que tiene. Tanto así que crea un elaborado plan en donde secuestra a la abuela y se hace pasar por ella.
Caperucita al llegar a casa de la abuela, como no espera nada inusual, prosigue su camino con total libertad. En la habitación de la abuela encuentra a una señora muy parecida, al primer momento caperucita no se percata de nada. Pero mientras habla con la que considera su abuela va viendo rasgos y acciones no propios de la señora.
Eso le causa desconcierto a la pequeña niña hasta que el punto más álgido de la historia descubre el malvado plan del lobo que era comerse a caperucita y a su abuela, pero el nunca triunfa y el lobo sale perdedor. Caperucita y su abuela quedan a salvo.
Este cuento para niños puede ser superficial, pero según para mí, el amor y el conocer tan profundamente hacia una persona hace captar cada detalle de manera conciente o inconscientemente y aunque alguien trate de imitarlo, nunca va a ser igual porque cada una de las personas son unicas en esta vida, y con los ojos del amor, mucho mas.
Foto de la portada tomada de aquí.
On my favorite childhood book I don't remember much, to be honest. But I do know that I read many and that it was one of the things I was made to do in school.
I also remember that when I went to a cousin's house she had a very large library with several volumes of children's books and I read several. However, today I want to talk about Little Red Riding Hood.
The story of a sweet little girl who leaves her house to visit her grandmother to see how she was doing since she was alone at home and as she loved her very much she was going to take some things to her.
And although everything in the beginning goes very quiet. In the middle of his trip a malicious being seeks to take advantage of the girl of the little red riding hood to take everything she has. So much so that he creates an elaborate plan in which he kidnaps the grandmother and pretends to be her.
Little Red Riding Hood arrives at her grandmother's house and, not expecting anything unusual, goes on her way with complete freedom. In the grandmother's room she finds a very similar lady, at first Little Red Riding Hood doesn't notice anything. But as she talks to what she considers to be her grandmother, she sees features and actions that are not typical of the lady.
This causes bewilderment to the little girl until the climax of the story when she discovers the wolf's evil plan to eat Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother, but he never succeeds and the wolf loses. Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother are safe.
This children's story may be superficial, but according to me, love and knowing a person so deeply makes you capture every detail consciously or unconsciously and even if someone tries to imitate it, it will never be the same because each person is unique in this life, and with the eyes of love, much more.
Cover photo taken from here.
The pictures were taken of Pexels and edited with Canva. 📸
The written material is my property. 💻
Text translated from Spanish to English with DeppL