[ESP/ENG] Un año de vida más para un viejo amigo. Una Gran Sorpresa. 💪🏾⚡

in GEMS3 years ago

Hola a todos! Espero se encuentren bien. Antes les había hablado del cumpleaños de la Dra. Que me dió una de las clínicas, y hoy les vengo a comentar otro cumpleaños. Al parecer todos nacieron más en Octubre que en otro mes del año.

Hello everyone! I hope you are well. Earlier I told you about the birthday of the Dr. who gave me one of the clinics, and today I am here to tell you about another birthday. It seems that everyone was born more in October than in any other month of the year.

En este caso se trata de un amigo mío llamado Francisco. Es alguien que lo conozco desde hace 6 años aproximadamente y aunque en ciertos momentos no estuvimos tan cercanos siempre hemos mantenido contacto.

In this case it is a friend of mine named Francisco. He is someone I have known for about 6 years and although at certain times we were not so close we have always kept in touch.


Nos conocimos en los últimos dos años de liceo porque yo ingresé en el colegio que era de su mamá y luego, por casualidades de la vida, quedamos juntos nuevamente en la universidad.

We met in the last two years of high school because I got into the school that was his mom's and then, by coincidence of life, we were in college together again.

El cumplió el 03/10 y aunque un amigo y yo estábamos organizándonos para ver qué le hacíamos, una familiar nos contacto para decirnos que la mamá le iba a hacer una reunión en su residencia y ya que éramos los más cercanos a él, dijo que estuviéramos presente.

He had his birthday on 10/03 and although a friend and I were getting organized to see what we could do for him, a family member contacted us to tell us that his mother was going to have a meeting at his residence and since we were the closest ones to him, she said that we should be there.

Yo había estado en la reunión anterior y recién me había conectado en mis redes a las 11:00 cuando de repente en la puerta de la casa el llega y me dice que me arregle para acompañarlo a buscar unas cosas para la casa de su mamá. Salimos antes a buscar a Luis y después fuimos hasta allá.

I had been at the previous meeting and I had just connected to my networks at 11:00 when suddenly at the door of the house he arrives and tells me to get ready to go with him to pick up some things for his mother's house. We went out earlier to pick up Luis and then went over there.

IMG_20211003_153750.jpgCamino a Los Flores

En su casa fuimos a buscar unos platos y cartera de la mamá, era un poco lejos porque viven en una zona llamada Los Flores. Regresamos a San Juan y se terminó de comprar unas cosas.

At his house we went to pick up some dishes and mom's purse, it was a little far because they live in an area called Los Flores. We went back to San Juan and finished buying some things.

En el camino, se le brindo una cerveza para celebrar un año mas de vida, porque nunca se cumple la misma edad todos los años.

On the way, we had a beer to celebrate one more year of life, because you never reach the same age every year.

Al llegar a la casa nos dieron sopa y estuvimos un buen rato hablando. La decoración que le hicieron unas amigas de la mamá de Francisco la colocaron en el porche de la casa.

When we arrived at the house they gave us soup and we spent a long time talking. Francisco's mom's friends had made some decorations for him and placed them on the porch of the house.

IMG_20211006_221500.jpgLa decoración

Se comieron algunos pasapalos y se conversó. Se escucho música y en cuestión de unas horas se canto el cumpleaños ya que era domingo y al día siguiente muchos tenían compromisos, algunos a trabajar y otros a estudiar.

Some pasapalos were eaten and conversation ensued. Music was played and in a matter of a few hours the birthday was sung as it was Sunday and the next day many had commitments, some to work and others to study.


Llegando el momento de picar la torta Francisco pico su primer pedazo cómo es tradición, en ese momento, el quedó muy intrigado ya que en el medio había algo duro. Lo animaron a que siguiera cortando la torta hasta que se dió cuenta que era la caja de un celular nuevo. Tanto la mamá como él y todos los que estábamos allí nos alegramos por él ya que era últimamente él requería de ese cambio para volver a comunicarse.

When it was time to cut the cake Francisco took his first piece as is tradition, at that moment, he was very intrigued since there was something hard in the middle of the cake. He was encouraged to continue cutting the cake until he realized that it was the box of a new cell phone. Both the mom and he and all of us who were there were happy for him as it was lately he required that change to communicate again.




La torta y el quesillo estaban muy buenos, al final todos se fueron y se paso un momento muy acogedor en la celebración del cumpleaños.

The cake and quesillo were very good, at the end everyone left and a very cozy moment was spent at the birthday celebration.

Fotos fueron tomadas con Xiaomi Redmi 9T

El material escrito es de mi propiedad. 💻

Texto traducido del Español al Inglés con DeppL

Photos were taken with Xiaomi Redmi 9T

The written content is my property. 💻

Text translated from Spanish to English with DeppL

Nos vemos pronto!.png