Modern Slavery

in GEMSyesterday


I didn’t know wars had anniversaries. My simple-minded brain thinks we should only celebrate good things from the past—positive events and milestones worth remembering. But McDonald Trump is telling us they’re celebrating the third anniversary of the Russia-Ukraine (US) war.

Not nice…

Not nice at all, because well over a million lives have probably been lost in that shitty war—one that should have never existed in the first place. Yeah, Trump says the war wouldn’t have happened under his presidency, but what he fails to mention is that the people selecting these so-called leaders already had the war in the cards.

Ukraine will never be the same after this is over. But if you look at history, Ukraine as a state hasn’t even existed for that long—it was artificially created, and, surprise, it has “Romanian soil” within its borders too…

Like I said from the beginning, this whole fucking war was designed as a milking cow. It was always about "minerals" and draining taxpayer money to fund it. Nothing new under the sun. No war has ever had a clear, justified purpose. But as long as there are sheep taking and following orders, there will be killing.

In this whole equation, the average Joe gets nothing but dust, while the oligarchs walk away with all the benefits. As you can see from the screenshot of Trump's tweet, America wants its money back—in the form of minerals. No kidding. So what the fuck is Ukraine gaining from this whole shitshow?

Aside from pain, human loss, and destruction? Pretty much nothing. And it's depressing how the average Joes never ask the right questions whenever a conflict arises. Humanity has reached such a high level of technological advancement, yet we’re still plain stupid. Sometimes, I wonder—has technology actually made us smarter, or dumber than we were 100 years ago?

You know who else is winning big after this war ends? BlackRock. The cash-and-real-estate-eating monster is already "signed up" to rebuild what’s left of Ukraine—and the deal is supposedly worth over $500 billion. That’s a BILLION with a B

And who’s gonna pay for that? I hope not the EU or American taxpayers… but I have a feeling the establishment’s puppets—our so-called world leaders—will come up with some master plan disguised as "philanthropy," quietly transferring this debt into our pockets.

So what was the whole point of this war? When will people finally wake up, stop falling for these manipulators, and quit being such obedient slaves?


Thanks for your attention,


McDonald Trump.. lmfao


I didn’t know wars had anniversaries...

Me too.

my expression when I read "third anniversary of the Russia-Ukraine war"

Odd, right…