The Before and After

in GEMS5 years ago

While America, located at the other end of the world of Romania, is facing violent protests apparently erupted against the background of a crime committed by the police on an African American, in our small country and apparently forgotten by the world, life begins to return to normal. How normal is it really, it is not yet known, because certain restrictions on social distancing still remain in force and we cannot say that life after the pandemic is the same as before.

However, as of tomorrow the restrictions to get from one county to another, and even to travel from one country to another, will be completely lifted. Romanians are impatient by nature, and have started traveling a day sooner. I know this because I live in a touristic town, and I saw the influx of tourists who were on the streets, in the parks, and in our supermarkets today.

It is clear that people no longer have the patience to stay at home, many of them no longer believe in the veracity of this pandemic, and even realize that the figures representative of the number of deaths due to COVID-19 decrease as restrictions are being lifted, and not vice versa. Theoretically it should be the other way around, but it seems that once again the authorities prove to us that this pandemic is a game of power, a mass manipulation, and consequently used by these powers to fulfill their agenda of gaining control of the population and have a long awaited global crisis.


Starting tomorrow, the beaches, terraces and restaurants, and many other shops will be open for the public, and people will certainly be rushing everywhere. However, many of them still believe in the fatality of this virus, mainly thanks to the media, but when the authorities decide that it has subsided, they digest the orders of the power without chewing, and take to the streets as if the virus didn't did not even exist. Few ask themselves about the spread of the virus, its vanishing, and the effects it will have on the society as we know it, and how much this will change in the coming years. Not referring here to any health related issues.

It is clear to me that everything is orchestrated so that the great powers of the world can implement their plan of enslavement and limitation of people's freedoms, COVID-19 being the catalyst for the crisis that will implement these plans. How does it happen, or how should it happen? Simple...

You are creating a false global pandemic, holding billions of people in fear, oppression, poverty and uncertainty. You gradually restore them the fundamental freedoms that have been stolen from them a few months ago but, not entirely, you create civil strife to awaken the animal instinct in people, and to stir them up against each other, you then intervene armed to restore peace, order and harmony among them, and come up with solutions to avoid such crisis situations in the future.


Some of the solutions they will come with in the near future will certainly involve vaccines that will probably become mandatory, in order to avoid the spread of other viruses in the future, and in case of protests, security and surveillance measures will certainly be required,control over population such as control over personal information, and even the location of citizens as some of us are probably doing with their pets, much improved video surveillance, exacerbated rights of the armed forces (including the police), the creation of social profiles similar to those of the Chinese, the removal of cash from circulation to ensure financial freedom will for ever be extinct, and not long after, RFID chips will certainly be implemented as mandatory, and serving as a virtual wallets, identity cards, passports, etc.

However, few people ask themselves about all these events and nonsense that are happening around the world. They are happy that after their rights have been stolen overnight, they are free to walk in the park again and visit their relatives, go to restaurants or take a mini vacation. Never in history have fundamental human rights and freedoms been stolen overnight. Everything is being implemented gradually, it is meticulously planned, and even the most bizarre conspiracy theories of a few decades ago seem to come true nowadays.

At least, we can be happy that we have smartphones and social media to give life a meaning, and as long as today seems to be fine there's no need to think of tomorrow, right. Tomorrow might come in a terrifying and unwanted shape and it might be too late to fix it but, how do we act today to shape tomorrow in a harmonious way, and how many of our actions and social trends are really ours?


Thanks for attention,