There's more, Don't Box Yourself

in GEMS3 years ago

As young people, there's a tendency to put yourself in a box as regards to what God will have you do with your life.

For example, you bake. And you're really good at what you do. You deliver well on orders, your customers are always satisfied. The services you render has opened doors for you because you're diligent at what you do. You have big dreams of how your product will be known everywhere and will be in high demands. You're working on those dreams daily, building your brand, facing challenges and overcoming. You're doing well and that's beautiful.


Then you come to a point where you think that your brand is you, it becomes your identity. Everything about it is in your blood. You feel you're nothing with it. The brand is who you are. And so you limit yourself to just baking, you box yourself in and you don't think you can do any other thing with your life.

I think this thing is a trap from the Devil and it prevents us from living the full life that God has planned for us. You're not defined by what you're pursuing now, or what you're doing now. You're defined by God. The plans he has for you are limitless. It's not tied down to one thing. You just have to be willing to go through the different seasons with him.

If he has led you to do a specific thing right now, do it. Be diligent, give it your best. If you are in school, give it your best, graduate with the best results you can have. Do it well, but don't think that's all you can do.

God is interested in you having an exciting life and he'll present opportunities that you never thought will come your way to you.

A woman named TY Bello was once a hairdresser, and she was good. She made up her mind to be the best at what she does and she did it. Then she became part of a band, and she did well. She was and is still known for her music. Now she's a big time photographer. She was just open to the ideas and seasons God was taking her through.

If anyone had told Ibukun Awosika that she'll be part of a movie in 2020 ten years ago, she probably would have laughed. Acting is nowhere close to what she does, but in 2020, she played a role in a movie, it was perfect. That role was believable because of her. I don't think it would have come out that strong if any of the popular actors we know had acted it.

In an interview I watched, Tara FelaDurotoye said she had to come to a point where she told herself she was more than House of Tara. It was painful for her to come to terms with that. She had always thought House of Tara was her and she was House of Tara. But she leant that there was more.


David probably had planned on how he would expand his father's animal farm, but God had something bigger. He was good at taking care of the animals, he did well, but there was more.

Joseph was doing well as a slave in Potiphar's house, but there was more.
It might be hard to believe now, but there's more. You're more than all your plans and what you're studying now. Your plans can only go so far. You might be studying to be a medical doctor today and it's beautiful, but tomorrow you might just find yourself producing movies.


Give yourself to what you're doing today. Be the best you can be. Let's see you winning every day. Let's see your love for it. But don't be defined by it, don't see all of your life in that. If that ends today, they'll always be more, as long as you remain with God.

You serve a God who is introduced to us in the scriptures as a creator. Creating what you can do with your life is no problem at all. So take a breath, enjoy today and what you have to do today because tomorrow the season might change. Isn't that exciting?

Have a good day.