What do you wear to work?
Ok so now you work from home it's ok to turn up for work in your pajamas right?
Just because you work from home on a computer and you think that no-one is going to see you doesn't mean that you have to let personal standards slip.
Have you ever nipped to the garage in your lounge pants,
flip flops and a baggy jumper and then bumped into someone that you
haven't seen for a while? Embarrassed huh? Well this person could so
easily have been a future client or team member.
But it's not just our appearance that counts it's the mental attitude that comes with the feeling of looking good. Dressing in smarter clothes puts our minds in the right place for work plus it also give us a chance to relax
when the lounge pants are on too. It gives us a time and a place for
work or relaxation and this helps the mind separate the two and function
according to the situation.
It's not just the clothes that you wear!
But I hate to tell you this, it's not just the clothes that you wear that
builds a picture in a future clients mind. Your overall appearance will
give a good indication to your client of the way that you work. Now
this may be a clients perceived idea of how you work and may not
necessarily be true of you but as they say it's first impressions that
This is where it's not just about the sharp suit or the expensive
shoes and matching designer handbag that make the impression but the
little things like ragged and dirty fingernails or chipped nail polish,
stubble, although cute on some, there is a noticeable difference between
the designer stubble look and the not shaved in a couple of days look.
Bad hair days and bad breath days are not the best ways to start the day so even when you only have to walk downstairs to get to your office brush your teeth, shower and style your hair. You never know when a client may want to Skype or Facetime you. Ladies wear some make-up and even spray some scent, the fragrance will uplift your mood and put your mind in the right place for work, men, trim those nose and ear hairs, most people hold their phones below eye line when on Skype or Facetime and people can usually see up your nose at that angle!
Thank you, my body. I love you and I groom you well.
I look like a Boss, I work like a Boss and I am the Boss
I am a beautiful person, inside and out
I see myself exactly as the person I want to be
I think that the last affirmation is the one that clinched it for me,
seeing myself as the person I wanted to be helped me to believe that I
could be that person and wouldn't stop until I got there. Now if I had
been in my pajamas would have seen the person I wanted to become?