Greetings, one of the few things that I have always disdained is to sit down and have a good cup of coffee, honestly coffee is not my favorite drink and it seems a lie because I am a native of a town where my grandparents, aunts and even my own mother sustained their economy through the cultivation and harvesting of coffee. I could even say that I can process coffee from the moment of obtaining the raw material, drying it, roasting it, de-roasting it, and then passing it through the mill to achieve that characteristic of coffee powder.
Saludos, unas de las pocas cosas que siempre he desestimado es sentarme a tomarme una buena taza de café, sinceramente el café no es mi bebida preferida y parece mentira porque soy nativa de un pueblo donde mis abuelos, tías y hasta mi propia mamá sustentaron su economía a través del cultivo y la recolección del café. Incluso, podría decir sin plan de alardear qué yo puedo procesar café desde la obtención de la materia prima, secado de la misma, tostado, desengranado y luego pasar por el molino para lograr esa característica propia del café en polvo.
My childhood was filled with the smell of coffee, behind my mother's house there was a small plantation with at least 15 coffee trees, when the fruits or coffee beans were ripening I would go to the small plot of land with my small totuma (container made from the taparo fruit) in hand and begin to collect the beans, I could spend very little time doing this work because I was already accustomed to it, my visual memory and my stage of growing up watching my relatives cultivate coffee gave me some experience.
Mi infancia estuvo llena de mucho olor a café, detrás de la casa de mi madre se encontraba una pequeña plantación con al menos 15 árboles de café, cuando los frutos o granos de café se maduraban yo con mi pequeña totuma (envase fabricado a partir del fruto de taparo) en mano me dirigía al pequeño solar y comenzaba a recolectar estos granos, el árbol jamás debía sufrir daños así que con mucho cuidado solo iba retirando grano por grano hasta terminar, podía pasar muy poco tiempo realizando esta labor porque ya estaba acostumbrada, mi memoria visual y mi etapa de crecimiento viendo a mis familiares cultivar café me daban algo de experiencia.
My mother, my aunts and my grandmother used to sing to the coffee, in the coffee harvest season the women of the town would gather and go to the haciendas which were located in the mountainous area of the valley, this was like a kind of party, the women would sing the long awaited "yojos", the "yojos" were the songs and verses that the women recited high up in the mountains which were audible in the nearby towns, The yojos were the songs and verses that the women recited high up in the mountains which were audible in the nearby towns, among their verses they recited a deep love for nature, it was a kind of gratitude that they gave to the earth and the plants that were the product of the harvest. They also sang of love and good fortune to those present.
Mi mamá, mis tías y mi abuela les cantaba al café, en la temporada de recolección de café las mujeres del pueblo se reunían y se dirigían a las haciendas las cuales estaban ubicadas en la zona montañosa del valle, esto era como una especie de fiesta, las mujeres cantaban los tan esperados yojos, los yojos eran los cantos y versos que recitaban las mujeres en lo alto de la montaña los cuales eran audibles en los pueblos cercanos, entres sus versos recitaban un profundo amor a la naturaleza, era una especie de agradecimiento que le daban a la tierra y a las plantas producto de la cosecha. También cantaban al amor y a la buena fortuna de los presentes.
Coffee is for me a symbol of hard work and effort, the women in my family dedicated a lot of time when the harvest came in, they were the ones in charge of collecting sacks and sacks of coffee, which would later be exported to other places and the rest would be processed and transformed into the powder that we commonly know and that is consumed in many homes around the world. However, the process is not simple, from drying to roasting and grinding it takes a lot of work, I remember some women who had lost the sensitivity in their hands as a result of this laborious work.
El café es para mi un símbolo de trabajo duro y esfuerzo, las mujeres de mi familia dedicaban muchísimo tiempo cuando entraban la cosecha, eran ellas con su naturaleza femenina las encargadas de recolectar sacos y sacos de café, los cuales luego serían una parte exportados a otros lugares y el restante sería procesado y transformado en el polvo que comúnmente conocemos y que es muy consumido en gran parte de los hogares del mundo. Sin embrago, el proceso no es sencillo, desde el secado hasta el tostado y molido lleva muchísimo trabajo, recuerdo algunas mujeres que habían perdido la sensibilidad en sus manos a raíz de este laborioso trabajo.
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¡Hola @aksurevm89! Aquí @ninaeatshere. Pues vaya, para no gustarte el café hablas muy bonito de la historia detrás de él que te acompaña ¡imagínate si te gustara! jajaja todo lo que compartes en tus reflexiones es precioso, un homenaje a la importancia de reconocer el esfuerzo y la labor de quienes están detrás de algo tan accesible como una taza de café. Leerte se sintió como un viaje, ojalá pudieras volver y compartirnos ese mágico lugar en el que pasaste tu infancia.
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¡Un saludo!
Saludos @worldmappin y @ninaeatshere muchísimas gracias por tu apreciación y por tu apoyo hacia mi contenido. En efecto, como bien señalas detrás de una taza de café siempre hay una historia que contar, y para mi ha sido un placer poder contarles la historia de las mujeres de mi familia como recolectoras de café, ellas y muchas mujeres más del pueblo son dignas de admirar.
Por otro lado, mil gracias por darme la bienvenida a su comunidad, me parece interesante, en cuanto pueda me pongo al día con las pautas a seguir, bendiciones y una vez más muchas gracias. 💕
¡Hola! 🤗
Muchas gracias por respondernos y considerar nuestra invitación a la comunidad, será un gusto leerte por allá cuando tengas ganas =D.
Estamos a la orden para cualquier consulta.
¡Que tengas una excelente semana!
Muchísimas gracias amigos de @worldmappin. Feliz y bendecido inicio de semana. ¡Éxitos! 🙏💕
I enjoyed the post and it looks like this post paid for the coffee ☕
Here's a small tip 😎👍🏾 @tipu curate
I hope you have a wonderful day ahead 🤗
If you have Instagram follow me @kgakakillerg 🤝🏾
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 8/38) Liquid rewards.
Thank you very much for your visit and for your support my friend @kgakakillerg 👋. I'm glad you liked it, when I can I stop by your IG. Blessings.
I never knew that maybe the cup of coffee that i am holding in my hand had such a rich history and cultural significance, especially in your hometown. The stories of your mother, aunts, and grandmother singing to the coffee plants really bring a new depth to the appreciation of my everyday drink.
Excellent friend @leoquoter, thank you very much for your appreciation, it is great to read your words, the value of the local producer, the farmer and many farmers who work only with their hands, sometimes is not so appreciated. The food we put on our table, especially fruits, vegetables and greens, are the result of hard work. Behind a good cup of coffee, there is a story. Greetings and blessings.
Nice post ❤️
Thank you very much for your support my friend @niazi5352 👋💕.
I love coffee very much, I think I drink at least 4 cups a day or more kkk, interesting to know that coffee has a history with your family, a bond that will be remembered in every cup you drink. Cheers.
Interesting hahaha... that's a lot of cups of coffee, but I don't blame you, it's one of the most consumed beverages in the world and it's exquisite. Besides, your country also produces excellent coffee. Coffee is like a blessing from God for the mortals on earth. Blessings my friend @shiftrox 🙏💕.
Thank you very much for the blessings! Brazil really is a reference in coffee, but it's a pity that here for us it's at an absurd price in the markets to buy it.
It seems incredible to me @shiftrox, something like this happens to us Venezuelans but with the prices of petroleum products, incredible that we pay so much for the material that our soils produce in abundance. Without detracting from the work of the producer, of course, the hands of the middlemen always inflate the costs of the products.
I understand that, the government is always the cause of everything becoming more expensive, it's very annoying for people. Coffee is essential (for me, kkk) and shouldn't be at this price level. Anyway, I hope that one day we'll have politicians and people who are good and not corrupt, so that the price of what we like will be lower.