Greetings friends, today I want to share with you how to combat a disease associated with us women as cellulite. As I mentioned in previous posts, my overweight had led me to mistreatment and neglect of my body, accompanied by postpartum I felt ashamed to just show my skin and my nightmare became reality when I had to visit places like spas, beaches and rivers where usually the etiquette is to wear swimsuits or bathing suits. One of the most affected areas of my body were my legs, the fat accumulated in that area made my legs look terrible and to that I add the fact that poor circulation left me with spider veins or spider veins to top it all off.
Saludos amigos, hoy les quiero compartir como combatir un mal asociado a nosotras las mujeres como lo es la celulitis. Como les comentaba en anteriores post, mi sobrepeso me había llevado al maltrato y descuido de mi cuerpo, acompañado del post parto me sentía avergonzada de tan solo mostrar mi piel y mi pesadilla se convertía en realidad cuando me tocaba visitar lugares como balnearios, playas y ríos donde por lo general la etiqueta consiste en llevar bañadores o trajes de baño. Una de las áreas más afectada de mi cuerpo eran las piernas, la grasa acumulada en esa zona hacia lucir terriblemente mal mis piernas y a eso le sumo el hecho de que la mala circulación me dejó arañitas o arañas vasculares para colmo de males.
Since I decided to change my lifestyle to a healthier one I have noticed all the benefits that my body both internally and externally have received. Emotionally it feels great, because besides being able to wear clothes that I didn't even want to wear before, now I feel great with all the progress I have made for myself. The equation for reducing cellulite and body fat is the same and here I share it with you: healthy eating, more hydration, more strength training, more rest. Doing the following routine is the first step if you want to fight cellulite, but it must be accompanied by a balanced diet and good hydration. In my case, in 8 months I have managed to combat 50% of the cellulite on my legs, and obviously cellulite is not eliminated in its entirety and I will explain that in the next paragraph.
Desde que decidí cambiar mi estilo de vida a uno más saludable he notado todos los beneficios que mi cuerpo tanto interna como externamente han recibido. Emocionalmente se siente genial, porque además de poder usar prendas que antes ni de chiste deseaba usar, ahora me siento genial con todo el progreso que he logrado para mi misma. La ecuación para reducir la celulitis y grasa corporal es la misma y aquí te la comparto: alimentación saludable, más hidratación, más jercicios de fuerza, más descanso. Hacer la siguiente rutina es el primer paso si se quieres combatir la celulitis, pero se debe acompañar de una alimentación balanceada y una buena hidratación. En mi caso, en 8 meses he logrado combatir el 50% de la celulitis de mis piernas, y ojo que obviamente la celulitis no se elimina en su totalidad y eso te lo explico en el siguiente párrafo.
Women by nature and divine work we produce less testosterone than men, and testosterone is an important hormone that produces increased strength and increased muscle mass, which is why unlike men we must compensate with more time doing physical exercises if we want to obtain an optimal condition. Our body fat percentage is higher, not to mention that we are naturally perfected to give life, and therefore our body fat index is higher because we protect the life inside our bodies. So it is common to have cellulite, and even if you are thin you can have cellulite because the estrogen percentage prevents us from burning energy and oxidizing fat quickly.
Las mujeres por naturaleza y obra divina producimos menos testosterona que los hombres, y la testosterona es una hormona importante que produce aumento de la fuerza y aumento de masa muscular, es por ello que a diferencia de los hombres nosotras debemos compensar con más tiempo realizando ejercicios físicos si deseamos obtener una condición óptima. Nuestro porcentaje de grasa corporal es mayor, sin dejar de mencionarles qué estamos naturalmente perfeccionadas para dar vida, y por ello nuestro índice de grasa corporal es mayor ya que resguardamos la vida dentro de nuestros cuerpos. Entonces es común que tengamos celulitis, y aún estando delgadas puedes tener celulitis porque el porcentaje de estrógenos impide que quememos energía y oxidemos grasa de forma rápida.
Exercise N°1: Traditional squat, 4 sets of 15 repetitions with only body weight. This squat works the quadriceps and glutes, the position for the technique is to bend your knees (squat position) and go up and down as if you were trying to sit on an imaginary chair, when going up you should leave your knees slightly bent.
Ejercicio N°1: Sentadilla tradicional, 4 series de 15 repeticiones con solo peso corporal. Con esta sentadilla se trabaja cuadriceps y glúteos, la posición para la técnica consiste en flexionar las rodillas (posición de cuclillas) y subir y bajar como si trataras de sentarte en una silla imaginaria, al subir se debe dejar las rodillas algo flexionadas.
Exercise N°2: Isometric squats, 4 sets of 4 repetitions of 20 to 25 seconds, you can use weights such as discs or dumbbells. With this squat we work quadriceps, femoral and gluteal muscles, and several other muscle groups such as abdomen, obliques and stabilizer muscles. The position is similar to the traditional squat, but you must rest your back against a solid surface such as a wall.
Ejercicio N°2: Sentadillas isométricas, 4 series de 4 repeticiones de 20 a 25 segundos, puedes usar peso como discos o mancuernas. Con esta sentadilla trabajamos cuadriceps, femorales y glúteos, y varios grupos musculares más como abdomen, oblicuos y músculos estabilizadores. La posición es similar a la sentadilla tradicional, pero debes apoyar la espalda contra una superficie sólida como la pared.
Exercise N°3: Sumo squat, 4 sets of 15 repetitions with weight. With this squat we work the buttocks and adductor muscles that are where most of us girls accumulate cellulite. Place your legs in the sumo position and with both hands grab the dumbbells, bend your knees and raise and lower controlling the weight.
Ejercicio N°3: Sentadilla sumo, 4 series de 15 repeticiones con peso. Con esta sentadilla trabajamos los glúteos y los músculos aductores que son donde más acumulamos celulitis las chicas. Coloca tus piernas en posición de sumo y con ambas manos toma las mancuernas, flexiona las rodillas y sube y bajas controlando el peso.
Exercise N°4: Romanian dead weight with dumbbells, 4 sets of 15 repetitions. With this exercise we work the buttocks and hamstrings or femoral, it would be the back of the leg where cellulite is also located a lot. Bend your knee a little, take the dumbbells with both hands and lower in a controlled manner only bending the hip.
Ejercicio N°4: Peso muerto rumano con mancuernas, 4 series de 15 repeticiones. Con este ejercicio trabajamos los glúteos y los isquiotibiales o femorales, sería la parte posterior de la pierna donde también se localiza mucho la celulitis. Flexiona un poco la rodilla, toma la mancuernas con ambas manos y baja de manera controlada solo flexionando la cadera.
We can combat orange peel skin by performing strength exercises at home or in the gym.
La piel de naranja la podemos combatir realizando ejercicios de fuerza en casa o en el gimnasio.
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Your journey to a healthier lifestyle is truly commendable,and your honesty about your struggles is refreshing.The exercise routine you've shared is clear and easy to follow,and I appreciate the inclusion of both English and Spanish.Your progress is amazing,and it's great to see the positive impact on your confidence.Keep up the amazing work!
Thank you very much my friend @atemuz24 . The truth is, it fills me with happiness to read your message, and at the same time I appreciate it because besides taking your time to read me, you have shown much empathy for my progress and that ultimately grateful and happy to find this comment as motivating as yours. Greetings and blessings my friend.
You're very welcome,@aksurevm89!I'm so glad my comment was helpful and motivating.Your progress is inspiring,and I'm happy to be a part of your journey.Keep up the amazing work!
Thank you for your comment my friend @atemuz24.🤗💕
You are welcome!!
Wow...You shared very good techniques to release our extra weight and keep healthy.You choose the best life style to change your body as looking beautiful and in proper shape and fight with cellulite disease.
Thank you so much my friend @arshadkhan4421. Eight months ago I chose healthy living and I am happier and more confident every day in my transformation process. I have worked very hard in search of optimal results, and now I feel great because I found in the fitnnes life one more reason to love. Greetings my friend.