[Eng/Esp] Happy international women's day.

in GEMS18 hours ago

Hello friends, today is March 8 international women's day and that is why I would like to congratulate all the wonderful women who make life in Hive and who with their contribution leave significant footprints by adding value to our blockchain. In this special opportunity I want to express my happiness because as a woman builder in Hive I have been working for almost three years approximately for Hive in the region, promoting and developing strategies that have allowed me to promote the crypto adoption of Hive in the state of Sucre, and in view of this I have been invited as a speaker at the conference "woman: agent of change in the eastern Venezuelan Caribbean".

Hola amigos, hoy es 8 de marzo día internacional de la mujer y es por ello que quisiera felicitar a todas las maravillosas mujeres que hacen vida en Hive y que con su aporte dejan huellas significas al agregar valor a nuestra blockchain. En esta oportunidad especial quiero manifestar mi felicidad porque como mujer constructora en Hive he estado trabajando desde hace casi tres años aproximadamente para Hive en la región, promoviendo y desarrollando estrategias que me han permitido impulsar la cripto adopción de Hive en el estado Sucre, y en vista de ello he sido invitada como speakers a la conferencia "mujer: agente de cambio en el caribe oriental venezolano".


This conference seeks to highlight the trajectory and dedication of women in the state of Sucre, by promoting social aspects of life in the economic, scientific, technological, educational and social character, which is why along with three other women specialists in various areas and various social approaches we will be talking about our experiences as builders, inspirers, workers, and in my case it will be the first time that a woman builder in web3 will review the use of cryptocurrencies focused on the Hive B2B project.

Esta conferencia busca resaltar la trayectoria y la dedicación de la mujer en el estado Sucre, al impulsar aspectos sociales de la vida en lo económico, científico, tecnológico, educativo y de carácter social, es por ello que junto con otras tres mujeres especialistas en diversas áreas y diversos enfoques sociales estaremos hablando sobre nuestras experiencias como constructoras, inspiradoras, trabajadoras, y en mi caso será la primera vez que una mujer constructora en web3 les reseñe sobre el uso de criptomonedas enfocada en el proyecto Hive B2B.



It should be noted that this conference is held every year by the research group of the Center for Caribbean Studies of the Universidad de Oriente (UDO). Which is one of the most prestigious universities in the country, this event will be held in the city of Cumaná on Tuesday April 11, which is scheduled at 10:00 am in the house museum "Andrés Eloy Blanco". A small snack will also be shared, so if you are in Cumaná I invite you to participate in this generative conference that seeks to exalt the women of Sucre.

Cabe destacar que esta conferencia se realiza todos los años por parte del grupo de investigación del centro de estudios caribeños de la Universidad de Oriente (UDO). La cuál es una de las universidades más prestigiosa del país, este evento se llevará a cabo en la ciudad de Cumaná el día martes 11 de abril, el cuál está pautado a las 10:00am en la casa museo "Andrés Eloy Blanco". También se estará compartiendo un pequeño refrigerio, así que si estás en Cumaná les invito a que participen en esta conferencia generadora que busca exaltar a la mujer sucrense.



I would also like to thank the @hivecreators team for their support in designing the new brochures and t-shirts that will be used for this event "Hive: Connecting and empowering women". In addition to lending their support to provide the plates for my presentation. Also, I thank @guiltyparties for always lending their support for Hive to participate in these events, now we will be reaching the largest university in the state of Sucre.

De igual forma quisiera agradecer por todo el apoyo prestado al equipo de @hivecreators por encargarse del diseño de los nuevos folletos y franelas que serán usado para este evento "Hive: Conectando y empoderando mujeres". Además de prestar su apoyo para facilitar las láminas para mi ponencia. También, agradezco a @guiltyparties por siempre prestar su apoyo para que Hive participe en estos eventos, ahora estaremos llegando a la universidad más grande del estado Sucre.



The Original text of @aksurevm89 // El texto Original de @aksurevm89
Samsung A23 Camera // Cámara Samsung A23
All photos are my property // Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad.
Text translated in Deepl free version. // Texto traducido en Deepl versión gratuita.
Banner and text separator Made in background eraser // Banner y Separador de texto Realizado en background eraser.



Congratulations to all the women who are making a difference on Hive, especially @aksurevm89 for being invited as a speaker and empowering others with her experience. It's amazing to see women in tech like yourselves breaking barriers and inspiring future generations!

Thank you very much for your words my friend @vixmemon. We women at Hive are always breaking paradigms because we are constantly fighting from all the different spaces that we are offered to demonstrate with facts how we can build, create, innovate, educate and promote the use of Hive's blockchain technology. In addition, to show the transformation of the new digital era in web3. A hug and Happy International Women's Day to every female member of your family and friendship circle. we are inspiration!

Wow Veru que maravilloso!! Espero poder asistir a este evento 💖 muchas felicidades por este logro! Mujeres al poder 💖🙏🏼💪🏼

Gracias amiga bella @marcelys1 sería para mi un placer poder compartir contigo en este evento, tu también eres una mujer constructora en Hive que agregas valor a nuestra blockchain diariamente al mostrar los diversos casos usos en este extraordinario ecosistema. Feliz día internacional de la mujer Marce hermosa 💞 Dios te bendiga 🙏 amiga.

It is a good tradition that International Women's Day is celebrated and on this day, the respect and status of women in society is strengthened. As a human being, women should always be respected and have a high status in society. It is our basic duty to take care of women's rights because because of these women, we see women as mothers, daughters, sisters and wives. Therefore, it is very important to value women. Your post is very good.

Thank you for such nice words my friend @suratkhan786, definitely every member of our society should be respected for who he is and what he represents, we are all important regardless of race, creed or gender. Sometimes we will focus on wanting to see the negative because we are not prepared for the changes, however I believe that every human being has the right and the duty to show their capabilities and potential from any space.

Life should not be a battle to know who is the strongest, or who is the smartest, the battle of life is to accept that we are all indispensable and that together doing teamwork we can achieve the unthinkable. Greetings and blessings to all the ladies in your family and your circle of friends. God bless you.

Amen and thanks

Muchas felicidades por el día internacional de la mujer y por todo el trabajo que viene realizando en función de dar a conocer el trabajo del ecosistema y sus aportes.
Siempre que veo una publicación del estado de Sucre me emociona porque visité ese lugar hace 10 años y estuve en Rio Caribe, Carúpano y Cumaná.
Amo a esa tierra y a todos sus habitantes.
Gracias por compartir. Feliz domingo. Salud y saludos.

Congratulations for the international women's day and for all the work you have been doing to make known the work of the ecosystem and its contributions.
Whenever I see a publication of the state of Sucre I get excited because I visited that place 10 years ago and I was in Rio Caribe, Carúpano and Cumaná.
I love that land and all its inhabitants.
Thanks for sharing. Happy Sunday. Cheers and greetings.

Muchísimas gracias señor @tonyes ha visitado la tierra hermosa tierra de Sucre y sus bellezas naturales, bellezas tan hermosas como sus mujeres trabajadoras, honesta y honradas que se gana el pan día a día a través de su esfuerzos y de su constancia, mujeres que inspiran y que mantienen a flote a nuestro estado. Un gran abrazo para usted y felicidades para las mujeres de su familia. Dios le bendiga 🙏