How are you all?I hope all are doing good and pretty.I am also good.Today I am going to share my college and some enjoyable moment.You know that I am a student.I study on textile deploma of Faridpur.Our college name Grassroots College Of Technology.It is located in the Faridpur district and Area name Mamudpur.The first day I started the class a bit bad, but so much good. You will pray for me.
Many of us do not eat it without understanding the importance of this fruit.This frutit content Vitamin C. Of course, this fruit is available for 12 months in winter and summer.This is the main medicine for those who suffer from colds.
There are much less effective fruit than orange in preventing disease. Let's know about the reasons why you eat lots of oranges -
১. Orange increases immunity. Every day, playing small oranges will not infect even the smallest pathogens.
2.Orange contains lots of antioxidants, which increase the brightness of the skin. Eliminates the hairline of the skin and retains youth for many years.
৩.Occasionally there is a deficiency of Vitamin C in our body. The body becomes lifeless. Orange contains lots of vitamin 'C'.
To maintain vitality and vitality of the skin and body, Kamala Khan daily.
৪. Oranges contain vitamin C as well as vitamin B-4 and magnesium.
৫. The risk of breast cancer, colon cancer and skin cancer is very low.
৬. Many suffer from eye problems. Orange contains vitamin A. This vitamin keeps the eyes of everyone older than children.
৭. The lotus contains a lot of therapeutic ingredients that Bladesugar controls. Source: Times of India
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