It's always exciting to suddenly be able to bring several months' worth of truly finished work into the house and look at them. I do feel a sense of not only accomplishment, but also purpose and meaning.
One of the challenges of the "show circuit" is that in order to be successful and have really good shows... you have to have the art on hand to support that success. That's something I learned early on (2010-2013ish)* and now I try to maintain about 300-400 pieces on hand at all times. Sounds like a lot, I know, but keep in mind it took years to build that stock... so now I have the relative luxury of just being able tto "top up" from time to time.
Sounds like you know what you need to do. Also sounds like there's an advantage in having only one main product, once you know your market. I used to do craft shows when the kids were little but I made a variety of stuff. Something would sell at one show so I'd top up my stock and then it wouldn't sell at all at the next one. 😂