The 100 Day Project, Day 2 — Podcast Day, THAT Was Unexpected!

in GEMSlast year (edited)

The experiment and project continues. I guess I am starting to feel a little less daunted by the whole process.

At the same time, I'm also recognizing that doing this challenge and documenting it on Hive is time consuming. I mean the Hive part, in this case... it does take 45-60 minutes or more to create a decent quality post.


And So, Day Two...

So today was the recording session for the postponed podcast. Kelly does her podcasts via Zoom, and just records the conversation and then edits the two hours or so into about a 50-80 minute finished product.

At least, that's what I thought.

But actually, it is a much bigger deal than I — or my wife — originally thought.

Yes, the audio will be be used for a basic podcast that will likely be up by late tomorrow, February 22nd.

Set myself the goal of finishing a medium sized stone today

But the video footage now goes into post-production and is turned into a 45-minute TV program that's scheduled to be broadcast on one network on June 23rd, and on a different network on September 26th. This may be precisely what we've been waiting for, to get much broader distribution.

I know that after my wife was on Coast to Coast AM radio a couple of times, and subsequently on the Beyond Belief TV show, her counseling business went from pretty much a handful of sporadic clients to a serious ongoing practice.

It's a valuable reminder that we must be grateful for life's positive surprises!

I don't often use black on darker stones, but I am experimenting with "negative space"

Random Project Notes...

I didn't really have a lot of expectations for this day, because I had my "regular work"(as always!) to deal with, and the interview was in the middle of the day (2:30 pm till almost 4:30 pm) effectively splitting up any contiguous work time.

I had a very small spot of "dead time" which I used to number and sign the nine painted stones that had been sitting on the "curing shelf" for weeks.

The design gets some "pop" from contrasting colors

Trying to teach myself to be better about grabbing small moments here and there, and doing something more creative with them than watching YouTube cat videos!

With the news about the scope of the "podcast" I am also reminding myself that I need to make sure my Alchemy Stones website is always current and up-to-date, and I need to spiff up my somewhat neglected Patreon page.

I'm also thinking I should be building an "Index Post" to keep a log of summaries of the Project in one place. Much to do!

Which brings us to...

Quite happy with the outcome. Now the oil paint gets to cure and harden for a week or so

Day 2 Summary:

One new stone painted; pretty good one, though. Part of the process pictured in this post.

Daily Twitter/X post: Check. Still trying to find interesting folks to follow. It never ceases to amaze me how much garbage is out there!
Daily Facebook Page post: Check. Another single photo post.
Daily Instagram post: Check. Got it done... posting to Instagram from a desktop computer seems a little odd, but there you go. It's the thought that counts, right?

Other Stuff: This Hive post, and I guess we should count being on the podcast for "something." Otherwise nothing. Daily shoutout to @gillianpearce!

Day 2 done. All in all, I ended spending way more time on this than planned. Tomorrow will be a challenge again because we have guests coming in from out-of-state.

I appreciate you coming to visit and please do leave a comment if you feel so inclined!

Thank You!


If you enjoy painted rocks, do check out The Hive Rocks Project and help spread the word about Hive, while also being creative!

Because I am trying to make some semblance of income — a part time living, even — I now add this footer to all my posts, in the hope that someone, somewhere, might decide to take a further look at my work, and perhaps consider supporting independent art.

Thank you, in advance, for your consideration and support!

My Alchemy Stones Patreon appeal

Alchemy Stones web site and blog

Alchemy Stones on eBay

Alchemy Stones on Etsy

Alchemy Stones on Facebook

Regardless, your upvotes and comments are always appreciated!

Thank you for supporting independent art!

2024.02.21 AS-TXT-201/169


That's excellent news about the podcast and unexpected extra coverage.

Grabbing small moments here and there can be a good appraoch when time is short. I was going to say it's not easy for me to do since my creative endeavours mostly take place in the attic but then I realised that's exactly what I do. 😂 I have an old laptop up there and I work on that when I'm waiting for stuff to dry or run out of inspiration etc.

The main challenge with that approach for me is I can find myself more focussed on getting it done than on the process of doing it.

I have created an index page but haven't posted it yet, mostly because I didn't want to post twice in a day to my main account. I've asked in discord how the collections feature works on peakd. Can you add posts once they're posted for instance? Does that give us an index type page without needing to add one separately?

I'll let you know if it seems like a good option. Or, perhaps, you already know? 😂

Hope you have a lovely time with your visitors.

Yes, that was a pleasant surprise, with the podcast.

We each have to find our approach that works for us; since my creative space is in what once was the breakfast nook next the kitchen, grabbing "moments" is easier... for example when I am cooking/heating something, and waiting for a timer to beep in 20 minutes.

I've used the "collections" feature for our Hive Cats community, and you can edit them... the problem is that whereas a "collections" post shows up nicely for anyone using PeakD, it becomes a horrible wall/jumble of text and links when viewed through other front ends. The feature is native to PeakD, but doesn't translate well to anywhere else I've seen.

It will definitely be a challenge to complete the next few days... but onwards!

Ah. Good intel about the collections page. I won't bother with it then since my main purpose is to provide somewhere for people not on Hive to view my posts, although, thinking about it, if the link takes them to PeakD maybe that won't be a problem. I'll have to try it out. At times like this I regret letting my website of 20+ years go. 😆

I hope you managed to grab some "moments" yesterday.