My #HiveTestimony

in GEMS4 years ago


He decidido unirme a esta maravillosa iniciativa e @theycallmedan y dar el testimonio de como ha sido mi viaje en esta plataforma, literalmente soy nueva aquí pero lo que me fascina es que esta plataforma ha sido una ventana para los venezolanos de llegar a mas personas.

Yo creo que es algo que muchas personas toman como otro trabajo y ademas compartir sus hobbies y pasiones en la vida...

Es increible como una plataforma puede devolverle la esperanza a tantas personas, pues he visto tantas personas ponen tanto empeño y hacer cosas maravillosas, viendo los post de testimonio de tantas personas que han logrado muchísimas cosas, tal vez no he logrado tanto Pero me encanta ver todas esas experiencias. Y aquí estoy tratando de dar lo mejor de mi y sobre todo aportar mi granito de arena para que este lugar sea mucho mejor.

Muchisimas gracias @denissemata por haberme hablado de este lugar que me encanta y donde hay tanto apoyo de tantas personas. Como tu dices Hive es una gran familia

I have decided to join this wonderful initiative and @theycallmedan and give testimony of how my journey has been on this platform, I am literally new here but what fascinates me is that this platform has been a window for Venezuelans to reach more people.

I think it is something that many people take as another job and also share their hobbies and passions in life ...

It is incredible how a platform can restore hope to so many people, because I have seen so many people put so much effort and do wonderful things, seeing the testimonial posts of so many people who have achieved many things, maybe I have not achieved so much But I love to see all those experiences. And here I am trying to do my best and above all do my bit to make this place much better.

Thank you very much @denissemata for having told me about this place that I love and where there is so much support from so many people. As you say Hive is a great family


Welcome, stay encouraged, and keep doing what you are doing!