[ESP//ENG] Noche de hamburguesas con mi cuñada y mi esposa./Burger night with my sister in law and my wife.

in GEMS3 years ago


Hola amigos de esta comunidad GEMS, es un placer para mí compartir mi contenido con ustedes. Espero que tengas un buen día.


Hello friends of this GEMS community, it is my pleasure to share my content with you. I hope you have a good day.



Ayer llevé a mi cuñada a comerse una hamburguesa ya que me dijo que estaba aburrida, mi cuñada hacía mucho que no venía porque está lejos, este año vino a pasarlo con sus padres. y hermanas.


Yesterday I took my sister-in-law to eat a hamburger because she told me she was bored, my sister-in-law had not come for a long time because she is far away, this year she came to spend it with her parents. and sisters.



Mi cuñada viene de un pueblo que se llama Apure y se tarda unas 15 horas en llegar a Guárico. El 20 de enero es mi turno de viajar para allá ya que nos invitó a ir a las ferias de allí, que son muy buenas.


My sister-in-law comes from a town called Apure and it takes about 15 hours to get to Guárico. On January 20 it is my turn to travel there since he invited us to go to the fairs there, which are very good.



Bueno amigos espero que les guste, gracias por votar y comentar. Hasta la proxima vez.


Well friends I hope you like it, thanks for voting and commenting. Until next time.



You guys look Cute🌹🌹