A beautiful surprise

in GEMS3 months ago


Hoy decidimos adelantar la celebración de cumpleaños de mi hijo, su cumpleaños es el día 1ro de Diciembre y yo estaba planeando un día donde saliéramos y disfrutáramos en familia, estuve planeando ese día por mas de un mes, sin embargo, algo nos hizo cambiar la fecha para salir, el primero de diciembre se va a llevar a cabo una marcha en mi país por motivos políticos y aunque las cosas se han calmado bastante (como siempre) no quisimos arriesgarnos a salir y quizás pasar un mal rato ese día, asi que aprovechamos hoy que además es viernes negro, para salir y comprar algunas cosas y llevar a cabo ese plan que tenia para que mi hijo estuviese muy feliz, la pasamos muy bien y ha sido un día que nunca olvidaremos.

Today we decided to bring forward my son's birthday celebration, his birthday is on December 1st and I was planning a day where we would go out and enjoy it as a family, I have been planning that day for more than a month, however, something made us change the date to go out, on December 1st there is going to be a march in my country for political reasons and although things have calmed down a lot (as always) we did not want to risk going out and maybe have a bad time that day, so we took advantage of today which is also black Friday, to go out and buy some things and carry out that plan I had for my son to be very happy, we had a great time and it has been a day we will never forget.

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Salimos en la mañana, teníamos muchas cosas que hacer, además el lugar donde fuimos era lejos de casa, tomamos un taxi para mayor comodidad y rapidez, lo primero en la lista era llevar a mi hijo a un parque donde tienen muchas cosas divertidas, los niños pueden saltar, jugar con arena magnética, cubos, entre otras cosas, mi hijo ama ese parque y era su segunda vez viniendo aquí, esta vez compre el pase para el dia completo asi que podía estar cuanto tiempo quisiera, como llegamos super temprano, no habían casi niños, a veces llegaban algunos y mi hijo jugaba con ellos, estaba muy feliz jugando en compañía y tambien solo, se divirtió demasiado, no se como tiene tanta energía.

We left in the morning, we had many things to do, besides the place where we went was far from home, we took a cab for comfort and speed, the first thing on the list was to take my son to a park where they have many fun things, kids can jump, play with magnetic sand, buckets, among other things, my son loves that park and it was his second time coming here, this time I bought the full day pass so he could stay as long as he wanted, as we arrived super early, there were almost no kids, sometimes some arrived and my son played with them, he was very happy playing in company and also alone, he had so much fun, I don't know how he has so much energy.


Lo segundo en la lista era hacer algunas compras, me sorprendí que a pesar de ser viernes negro no había demasiadas personas, pero si habían ofertas muy buenas en diferentes tiendas, le compre unos zapatos super hermosos a mi hijo y luego algunas cosas para nosotros, esto nos tomo bastante tiempo, pero valió la pena.

The second thing on the list was to do some shopping, I was surprised that despite being black Friday there were not too many people, but there were very good deals in different stores, I bought some beautiful shoes for my son and then some things for us, this took us quite some time, but it was worth it.


Nos dio mucha hambre y comimos en un lugar donde las hamburguesas son divinas llamado “Cocoroco” tambien pedimos una ensalada cesar y helados.

We got very hungry and ate at a place where the hamburgers are divine called “Cocoroco” we also ordered a caesar salad and ice cream.


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Lo siguiente fue disfrutar de una película en el cine, esta vez quisimos ver una película llamada Código: Traje Rojo aprovechando que navidad está cerca esta película era perfecta para la ocasión, nos gusto bastante, aunque al salir de la sala ya había caído la noche.

The next thing was to enjoy a movie at the cinema, this time we wanted to see a movie called Red one, taking advantage of the fact that Christmas is near, this movie was perfect for the occasion, we liked it a lot, although when we left the theater night had already fallen.

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Y aunque ya se hacia tarde y ya estábamos bastante cansados mi hijo quiso volver a entrar al parque, lo complacimos y duro una hora mas jugando, esta vez había mas niños y estaba mucho mas lleno el lugar, pero eso no importo ya que se el estaba feliz en su mundo.

And although it was getting late and we were already quite tired my son wanted to go back into the park, we pleased him and he spent another hour playing, this time there were more children and the place was much more crowded, but that didn't matter because he was happy in his world.

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Al final llegamos a casa a las 8 de la noche, pero bastante satisfechos de todas las actividades que hicimos el día de hoy, siempre me esfuerzo por hacer cada cumpleaños especial, entre nosotros, me gusta que sea muy íntimo y que mi hijo sea el que disfrute al 100% cada sorpresa, aun falta un día mas para su cumpleaños, pero tuvimos que cambiar nuestros planes a ultima hora, aun asi en su día tendrá su pastel y regalos, lo cual lo hará estar aun mas feliz.

In the end we arrived home at 8 pm, but quite satisfied with all the activities we did today, I always strive to make every birthday special, between us, I like it to be very intimate and that my son is the one who enjoys 100% every surprise, there is still one more day to his birthday but we had to change our plans at the last minute, even so on his day he will have his cake and gifts, which will make him even happier.



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How sweet 😊. Your son has grown since the last post I saw him in. Best wishes ✨️

Yes! he has grown quite fast, thank you very much @emanate-artworx nice to see u here 😁