For Dry Skin and Acne; How to Make a Natural Face Mask with Avocado + Honey at Home?

in GEMS4 years ago

Today, I will tell you how to make a natural face mask for dry and acne skin that you can prepare at home with avocado + honey. Recently, I bought avocados from the supermarket and used only 1/4 of this avocado. Today I wanted to evaluate this avocado. Today, one of the most common skin problems can be called acne. The first black spots occur after the increased oil layer on the skin clogs the pores on our skin. Later, when these black spots come into contact with bacteria, inflamed acne appears. Acne is seen in many young individuals, we can say that the products we consume, sleep patterns, age and alcohol consumption are an important factor in the appearance of acne. I think the natural masks we make at home are more effective than the masks with additives we buy from outside. If you have acne and dryness on your skin, you can apply this mask.

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Ingredients That Should Be Used For This Mask:


  • 1/4 ripe avocado

  • 1 tablespoon of yogurt

  • ½ tablespoon of honey

  • Benefits of Avacado for Skin: Avacado contains Omega-3 vitamin. With this vitamin, you can make the wounds on your skin heal faster and healthier. It moisturizes dry skin and reduces pimples.

Making Stages:

First, divide the avocado into two equal parts. Then, let's divide an avocado that we cut in half into two equal parts again. Then, with the help of a spoon, let's take out the inside of the avocado. Make sure that the avocado in the house is ripe, it is more difficult to prepare this mask with the immature avocado and the effect is less. Then, let's divide the avacode into small pieces with the help of a blender. Let's add avocado pieces and yogurt to a plate. Then let's mix it with our hands. Finally, let's add honey and mix. When all the ingredients are mixed, our mask is ready. After keeping this mask on your face for 10-15 minutes, you can wash it off with warm water. Do not use this mask if you are allergic to honey.









  • The photos are completely original and belong to me

Hi! I have avocado and honey at home, so I probably prepare it only with those two ingredients, I guess it must be useful too.