Today I will tell you how to make the most delicious meal with tomato + spices + grated cheddar for breakfast. I try to prepare practical and nutritious meals with vegetables for breakfast. Today I examined two different recipes with tomatoes, and I chose this one because it is a little more practical. I wanted to prepare such a recipe because the tomatoes in my house are not round but upright. Today I will buy round tomatoes from the greengrocer and tomorrow I will prepare a different meal with tomato + egg. We will use an economical meal, tomatoes, spices and grated cheddar. The preparation time of the meal is 10 minutes. I made the bottom part with tomato, but even if you don't have a tomato at home, if you cut a different vegetable in a round shape and keep the other ingredients stable; I think the food you will make will also be delicious.
Ingredients that should be used for this Meal :
1 tomato
100 grams of grated cheddar
Chili, thyme, salt
Liquid oil
Making Stages:
First, let's wash a tomato, then lay the tomato on its side and cut it in medium size. You should cut medium and thick tomatoes; The tomatoes melt in the pan while cooking. Let's add oil to the pan and put the tomatoes we cut after 1-2 minutes. Let's grate 100 grams of cheese. When the tomatoes start to cook and the juice comes out, respectively; Let's add salt, pepper and thyme. When the bottom of the tomatoes is cooked, let's turn them over. Let's add the grated cheddar. When the cheese is melted and the tomatoes are cooked well; Dinner is ready !
- The photos are completely original and belong to me