For Morning Breakfast; How To Make The Most Delicious Meal With Potato + Spice + Flour?

in GEMS4 years ago

Today I will tell you how to make the most delicious meal with potato + spices and flour for breakfast. The preparation time of this dish is 30 minutes in total. It is the preparation time of 10 minutes and 20 minutes of cooking in the pan. I prepared this dish by trying to give the image of an omelette and pizza. I wanted to prepare a nutritious breakfast meal by using high protein ingredients such as flour, eggs and milk and adding extra carbohydrate-rich potatoes to the pan.

Adsız tasarım - 2020-09-15T181158.902.png

Ingredients that should be used for this Meal:

  • Potatoes

  • 1 egg

  • ½ cup of milk

  • 1/4 tea glass of vegetable oil

  • Salt, thyme, chili pepper

  • Liquid oil

Making Stages:

First, we will start by making the filling of the food. Line up a mixing bowl; Let's add the eggs, milk, oil, salt and spices. Until all the ingredients are mixed; let's mix. Then, let's add two tablespoons of flour and let the mortar get the consistency. Let's peel and wash half a potato. Then cut it the way I put it in the pan. Let's add some oil to the pan and add the stuffing before the potatoes are cooked. When the underside is cooked; turn it upside down. When both sides are cooked; Dinner is ready !











  • The photos are completely original and belong to me