Today I will tell you how to make the most delicious roasted green zucchini with tomato + onion and spices. You can also make this dish for breakfast. The preparation time of the meal is 25 minutes in total. 5 minutes is the time for cutting the vegetables and 20 minutes is the cooking time in the pan. Vegetable dishes are both healthy and more practical to cook. Since it is low in calories, you can consume this meal by adjusting the portion in the diet. I write the material dimensions as a single person, but if you will prepare this dish for more people; You can increase the dimensions.
Ingredients to be Used for Green Pumpkin Roast:
1 pumpkin
1 tomato
1 medium onion
2 small green peppers / 1 large green pepper
Salt, pepper, thyme
Liquid oil
Making Stages:
Let's wash the vegetables we will use first. Then let's peel the tomato. Let's cut tomatoes, green peppers, zucchini and onions. Add some oil to the pan, add the onions for 1-2 minutes. Then add the green pepper and 2 minutes later add the tomatoes. When the tomato juice starts to come out, let's put the pumpkins in the pan. After adding salt, pepper and thyme, let's mix. Since we add the courgettes later and cook faster, let's add some water to the pan. Let's cook it like this for 15 minutes. When the pumpkins soften and cook, Food is Ready!
- The photos are completely original and belong to me
looks delicious