How To Make Tomato Soup? How to Prepare the Most Delicious and Easiest Soup at Home?

in GEMS5 years ago (edited)

I had never given any recipe for soup until today, yesterday I shared an article about how to make mini meatballs. Today, it is both easy to make and my favorite soup; I will tell you how to make tomato soup. I have dried tomato powder I bought for this winter, but since not everyone can find dried tomato powder, I will tell you how to make tomato soup with the tomatoes we bought from the market or greengrocer.

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Ingredients to be Used for Tomato Soup:

  • 3-4 tomatoes (make sure the tomatoes are juicy)
  • 1 cup of milk (optional but highly recommended; you can also make milkless)
  • 1 spoon of butter
  • 3 tablespoons flour
  • 5 cups of water
  • 1 tablespoon of grated fresh cheddar (adds flavor to tomato soup, but this time I used mint)

Steps of Making Tomato Soup :

First, choose the pan you will make soup, then put the flour in the pot according to the amount of oil and tomato soup you want to make and cook. Let's turn on the home robot and let the tomatoes that we cut little by little come out and reach the smallest form. Immediately after putting the tomatoes we removed from the robot in the pot, we throw it in 5 glasses of water. Then optionally milk, add salt after 2-3 minutes and boil. If you like cheddar, you can add it on your soup in terms of both appearance and taste.

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  • The photos are completely original and belong to me.

We have prepared tomato soup at least one time per month. We made it contains some spicy taste. I didn't see chili powder in your recipe's ingredient list. But other steps very similar like your making method.

I really like tomato soup but mine never turned out perfect. I never used powder one though, I have used fresh tomato instead.

It is really difficult to find organic tomatoes in the winter months, so you can make wonderful soups with dried tomatoes, so I use the powder. :)