What Foods Have I Prepared Today? What Is The Menu Of The Day And How To? #3

in GEMS5 years ago

Today, I prepared two kinds of food. First, mixed pizza and then chocolate ice cream cake. I have given two kinds of cake recipes before, but I have never shared the ice cream cake recipe before. If you want, you can buy the ice cream you want, or you can make it yourself. First, I will give the recipe for ice cream cake.

Menu of the day :

  • Ice Cream Cake
  • Mixed Pizza

Ingredients for Ice Cream Cake Recipe :

  • 250 grams vanilla ice-cream
  • 500 grams chocolate ice-cream
  • 2 packages wafer chocolate

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For the above:

  • Small chocolate chips

Ice Cream Cake Making Stages :

Cover the inside of a rectangular cake mold with stretch film to be the same size as the mold. Take out the edges. I use ice cream as ready so I put half the ice cream spoon and half of the chocolate and vanilla ice cream on the base of the cake. Then, if you want, let's make the ice cream I poured with a flat knife straight. Close the edges and refrigerate for 15 minutes. Add chocolate chips to the top layer of the cake and let it sit in the freezer for another 15 minutes. You can add the desired decoration and fruit on the icing cake. You can cut your ice cream cake with a wet knife.

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Mixed Pizza Recipe Making Stages :

First we put the ingredients for the dough in a large container, then we try to make a dough so that the dough is very thin. We expect the dough we prepared to be fermented hot and covered for about 30 to 45 minutes. Then cut the fermented dough into two equal pieces and roll out the size of the pizza tray. (I set it to have two pizzas in my tray). Then we put oiled paper and a spoon of cornmeal in the tray. We spread the rolled dough into the tray. We bake in a 200 degree oven for 10 minutes and our other ingredients should be ready for pizza. Put your favorite ingredients such as sauce, cheddar cheese, sausage, sausage on the dough that is cooked for 10 minutes and cook for 20 minutes.

  • The photos are completely original and belong to me.

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