I reckon it's a complex picture, the intersection of a number of agendas and situations.
You've got the whole agenda-driven stuff, promoted by the WHO and others as a way of breaking down societal cohesion and reducing population growth, with an end goal of a world government and sustainable population (worthy, except that the people who want to be in charge are the 0.001% who may be the most evil people currently alive).
Then you've got the fact that stupid people tend to have lower self-awareness and can be more easily persuaded to make entertaining idiots of themselves. I feel sorry for them, it's not their fault and they're doing the best they can with their lives.
Finally, you've got the fact that most Western governments have bought into the whole net zero and WHO agenda thing. In order to deliver the vision, it means reducing 99.99% of the population to subsistence level drones with no hope of improving their lives. That means the only hope of gaining wealth and status is to somehow attain this elusive "celebrity" status. The easiest way to get that five minutes of fame is to do dumb stuff on TikTok, the more outrageous the better.
WHO is kind of going down the drain, fortunately...