We must be honest and acknowledge that Hive is a social media too.
Although we are rewarded here this has its risk of being addictive as well. Also many times the rewards are not justifying the loss of time.
I think Hive best advantage is the transparancy. It looks not private at first glance but the visibility is symetrical. I mean in fb and other centralized you are under an illusion of privacy while your data is sold to god knows who.
Here you know your data is on the blockchain so you make your decisions with better understanding of the picture and in the long run I think it will support better ethics.
Also decentralization keeping us safe (theoretically but so far practically as well) from a single interest taking over.
I am very glad to see such a lovely person as yourself joining Hive. Welcome!
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I thought about what you wrote too but aside from making money there is a feature of Hıve that , for me, distinguishes it from every other social app ; i actually learn new things here more comprehensively than any other social media platforms. Also you mentioned that fb sells our data to really god knows who. And the content you see at those platforms are always pretty much the same. You cant progress in that kind of environment.
Thank you so much for your informational comment and nice welcome :)