Greetings, friends hivers.
He decidido tomar acción en una iniciativa grandiosa, donde los agradecimientos son los protagonistas. Idea que me encanta, porque todo lo que vivimos, bueno o malo, son el mejor obsequio que podamos recibir, de ahí nos formamos y evolucionamos como ser, y lo mejor es agradecer esas oportunidades que nos enriquecen.
I have decided to take action on a great initiative, where thanks are the main characters. An idea that I love, because everything we experience, good or bad, is the best gift we can receive, from there we form and evolve as a being, and the best thing is to be grateful for those opportunities that enrich us.
Agradezco mi vida ✨ | I'm grateful for my life
Soy del tipo de personas que piensa que la vida es para vivirla, no somos robots o zombies que solo andan por inercia cumpliendo con la obligación de existir. Hay que disfrutar cada respiro, cada sonrisa, cada lagrima, que si sueñas algo no lo dejes escapar, hazlo real. Y sobretodo agradecer por la dicha del presente.
I'm the type of person who thinks that life is for living, we are not robots or zombies that only go by inertia fulfilling the obligation to exist. We must enjoy every breath, every smile, every tear, that if you dream something do not let it escape, make it real. And above all, be grateful for the happiness of the present.
Creo que por eso me conecto tanto con la canción Viviendo en Gerundio, de Rayden. Se las comparto a continuación para que la disfruten y/o conozcan:
I think that's why I connect so much with Rayden's song "Viviendo en Gerundio". I share them with you below for your enjoyment and/or knowledge:
I'm grateful to have arrived in this world at this time, because year after year I have come across people who have filled me with experiences, from which I learned, and although some are no longer grateful to have connected with their essence. I'm grateful for the good and bad loves, the disappointments, the failures, they allow me to recognize myself and believe more in that energy that strengthens me, because I have realized that to hate only wears us down and destroys us, so I respond with more love. Thanks to life for giving me the parents I have and growing up with my family, each member near or far because of situations of physical distance, are my support, my mirror, my example. I'm grateful for who I am today, this has allowed me to reach wonderful people who believe in me, who drive me to achieve everything successfully and who color my days. Thanks to those who have managed to turn my world upside down, because even when I feel disarmed, disconcerted, I realize that there are new possibilities. Thank you for my life and for those who are with me.
aquí.Si quieres ser parte de esta iniciativa expuesta por @vaneaventuras, puedes enterarte de todo
here.If you want to be part of this initiative exposed by @vaneaventuras, you can find out everything
Gracias por permitirme ser parte de tu presente.
Thank you for allowing me to be part of your present.