De Improviso (I) / Sunddely (I) (XXX / +18)

in GEMS2 years ago

Había entrado en la casa tras un corto “pasa” a través del portero automático. La conocía bien pero en aquella ocasión caminó con prudencia, extrañamente la sala estaba en penumbra y temió tropezar con algo.

– Buenas tardes cariño.– Escuchó en un tono lascivo a la vez que se sobresaltaba al sentir el inesperado abrazo que la inmovilizaba desde su espalda.

Imagen descargada de Pixbay.

Esa voz profunda, el dulce olor de su perfume con ese matiz único a canela, proporcionado por su piel, eran inconfundibles para ella. Un escalofrío la recorrió por completo al sentir sobre como Carlos apretaba su miembro erecto contra sus nalgas a través de la falda. Intentó zafarse, darse la vuelta y besarlo, pero la presión de esos brazos que tanto le gustaban no cedió.

– ¿Qué tal has pasado la mañana?.-- Preguntó él sin esperar respuesta mientras la hacía avanzar al interior del salón, apretando su cuerpo contra el suyo, inmovilizando con fuerza su tronco superior e iniciando una llama de deseo en su interior.

Avanzó hasta que sus rodillas tocaron el lateral de la parte más larga y ancha del Chaiselong negro que decoraba la estancia. Al contactar con él Carlos la hizo inclinarse sobre el brazo del mueble, apoyando sus manos sobre el cojín. Sus fosas nasales se vieron inundadas por una fragancia a frutas del bosque. Se estremeció por completo al percibir una ligera nota a cuero en dicho olor.

El recibimiento la había tomado por sorpresa, llegaba de un día normal y, de improviso, no podía moverse. Intentó girarse de nuevo al notar que la presión sobre su cuerpo se aflojaba, quería buscar sus deliciosos ojos marrones, pero un latigazo de placer, con el primer azote sobre sus nalgas, la devolvió a esa posición en la que la había colocado.

Le siguieron dos, tres, diez, veinte… no pudo contarlos. Golpes secos, sonoros, en sentido ascendente, alternándose de una nalga a otra para detenerse con una ligera caricia sobre la falda para volver a comenzar. La ola que cada contacto producía en su cuerpo la la hacía arquear su espalda, estirar todo su tronco a la vez que no podía retener el gemido de placer que brotaba de su garganta.

De forma casi involuntaria acompasaba cada palmada con un ligero movimiento de su cadera, ofreciendo una nalga y luego la otra. Le encantaba el sonido que producían, el pulso de dolor medido, intenso y agradable, que la recorría desde su coxis hasta la nuca en cada impacto. Con sus manos apoyadas en el cojín recolocaba su cuerpo mientras, con deseo, se mordía el labio inferior a la espera del siguiente azote.

Quedó inmovilizada cuando se detuvo. Era su amo y ella sólo deseaba estar a su disposición. A partir de ese momento su cuerpo no le pertenecía, se había convertido en la herramienta de perversión de Carlos. Lo único que tenía permitido era sentir y vibrar ante todo lo que ocurriese a partir de ese momento.

Extendiendo sus brazos a lo largo del cojín, relajó su cuerpo descargando su peso sobre el brazo del chaiselong. Los dedos de su mano derecha alcanzaron algo rugoso. Palpándolo lo identificó rápidamente como una cuerda. De inmediato elevo su cabeza en busca del lazo en la cordada. Introdujo su mano en él dejando el nudo sin ajustar junto a su muñeca.

Su piel se puso de gallina al notar como Carlos dejaba caer parte de su peso sobre su cuerpo, apoyándose en ella. El aliento de su respiración subió lentamente por la parte derecha de su cuello haciéndola vibrar.

– Veo que lo has entendido pequeña zorra. Si lo quieres parar tu palabra es Erizo. –le dijo con un suave susurro

Separándose de ella tomó la mano que aún tenía libre y la introdujo en otro lazo que había dispuesto para ese propósito. Tensó ambos nudos obligándola a estirarse ligeramente, volviendo a inmovilizarla de su tronco superior.

Pese a la postura se encontraba cómoda. Había notado una acolchado extra en su abdomen al dejar caer su peso sobre el brazo del chaiselong, imaginó que formado para unas sabanas o toallas dobladas. Podía descargar parte de su peso en esa zona y mantener las piernas y sus brazos relativamente relajadas. Los nudos sobre sus muñecas, aunque firmes, no le resultaban ásperos ni estaban apretados en exceso. Toda la situación la encendía sobre manera: la postura, no poder moverse, dejar se ser dueña de su cuerpo, los olores, ofrecerse sumisa a su amo…. La boca le salivaba de deseo y no era lo único que se había humedecido.

Carlos soltó el moño en forma de nuez con el que se había peinado esa mañana. Su cabello liberado cayó sobre ambos lados de su cara. Sus manos bloqueadas intentaron ir a sujetarlo al escuchar como se alejaba varios pasos de ella. No lo que quería lejos, lo deseaba lo más próximo posible a ella, necesitaba ese contacto sobre su cuerpo. Tras unos segundos se situó en frente de ella.

Levantando lentamente la cabeza lo vio por primera vez ese día. Estaba descalzo, cosa que la excitaba. No entendía muy bien porqué pero sus pies le resultaban eróticos. Disfrutaba cada vez que se los tocaba o cuando él, durante sus sesiones, la acariciaba con ellos. Si los colocaba próximos a su cara ella no podía evitar el impulso de besarlos y lamerlos con deleite.

Como única prenda de ropa vestía un pantalón de lino blanco en el que, además del contraste que producía con el color de su piel, destacaba la erección bajo el mismo. Sara intentó elevar más la cabeza para verle el rostro pero sólo alcanzaron la zona del pecho antes de quedar sin visión por la cinta de cuero negro que le colocó sobre los ojos. Su excitación se multiplicó : la incertidumbre, la impotencia de no poder moverse, la espera de lo próximo sin saber que,... la humedad de su sexo comenzaba a hacerse evidente a través del tanga de encaje se había puesto.

Expectante escuchó como se colocaba detrás de ella de nuevo. El cálido tacto de sus dedos sobre la zona interior de los muslos la hicieron dar un respingo. Lentamente fueron bajando, recorriendo sus piernas hasta llegar a las botas que vestía, mientras ella volvía a arquear la espalda ante esa caricia. Con dos ligeros golpes en su pierna derecha entendió sus intenciones y la elevó procediendo él a retirarla su calzado junto con el calcetín. El gesto se repitió en la otra pierna.

Los dedos volvieron a recorrer sus piernas en sentido inverso, erizándole de nuevo la piel mientras ascendían. Se detuvieron sobre la parte trasera de la falda de tubo roja, a medio muslo, que vestía. Ágilmente bajó la cremallera que la ajustaba la falda y con un suave movimiento la empujó bajo sus caderas acompañándola hasta los tobillos. Ella volvió a elevar los pies consecutivamente para que pudiese retirarla.

Colocando su pene erecto, entre las nalgas, sobre la tira del tanga, volvió a dejar caer parte de su peso sobre ella. Sara suspiró de placer a medida que aumentaba la presión sobre su cuerpo. Rodeándola con ambas manos comenzó a soltar los botones de su camisa blanca hasta que quedó completamente suelta. La subió hasta casi sus axilas, dejándole así casi toda la espalda al descubierto. El sujetador, estilo palabra de honor, cayó en el siguiente movimiento.

Notó como liberaba lentamente la presión sobre su cuerpo al incorporarse, mientras otra oleada de placer la recorría la caricia de su mano surcándole la columna vertebral en sentido descendente. Carlos se colocó de cuclillas, dejando el culo de Sara justo en frente de su cara, deleitándose con las vista que este ofrecía. Con sus manos tomó las tiras laterales del tanga lo que hizo que, ante este contacto, ella elevara las caderas todo lo que las ataduras de sus manos le permitieron. Sara deseaba más y, de forma innata, ese movimiento era la forma de ofrecerle su sexo a su amo, intentando hacérselo todo lo visible que podía.

El contacto de la boca de Carlos sobre su sexo hicieron que las piernas le tembrarán, estuvo a punto de dejar caer todo su peso sobre el chaiselong. Mientras le terminaba de bajar el tanga había hundido la cabeza entre sus nalgas. Su lengua se había inundado con los fluidos que ella había comenzado a producir desde el primer azote mientras ella temblaba de placer. Se despidió de la zona, una vez retirada la prenda de ropa interior, con una última caricia de la lengua que inició en el clítoris para finalizar con unos circulitos en su ano. Sara jadeaba, peleaba con sus ataduras intentando facilitarle el acceso a su sexo de nuevo.

Las manos de Carlos presionaron sobre sus caderas hasta hacerla apoyar por completo sobre el brazo del chaiselong. Seguidamente bajaron por su muslo derecho, alcanzaron la rodilla y continuaron hasta el tobillo tirando ligeramente de él, obligándola a desplazarlo a la derecha. Deslizó un nuevo lazo por su pie hasta dejarlo a la altura del el tobillo. Esas manos que quemaban sobre su piel tiraron del otro tobillo en sentido contrario para atarlo también.

Estaba completamente inmovilizada, todo su peso descansaba entre la punta de los de dedos de sus pies, la parte superior del vientre y la parte superior del pecho. Mirándola por detrás su cuerpo dibujaba una “V” invertida coronada con sus dos nalgas. Era necesario acercarse para ver que ese cuerpo continuaba sobre el sillón.

El primer contacto fue ligero, suave, una caricia de varias tiras de cuero sobre sus nalgas que inmediatamente identificó como un flogger. El siguiente una caricia sobre su espalda, Sara gemía de placer ante el recorrido que las tiras dibujaban sobre su cuerpo. El tercer toque fue inesperado, seco, en la parte trasera de su muslo derecho. Intentó incorporarse pero le fue imposible. A continación el juguete alcanzó sus nalgas, suspiró de placer mientras con sus manos tiraba de sus ataduras para intentando elevar su culo.


Amy Doller delega en @votame, proyecto de curación de contenido en Hive de @criptomonedastv.

He had entered the house after a short "pass" through the intercom. He knew her well but on that occasion he walked cautiously, strangely the room was in darkness and he feared he would trip over something.

–Good afternoon sweetheart– he heard in a lewd tone as he was startled to feel the unexpected embrace that pinned her from behind.

Image downloaded from Pixbay.

That deep voice, the sweet smell of his perfume with that unique cinnamon tinge, provided by his skin, were unmistakable to her. A shudder ran through her as she felt Carlos press his erect member against her buttocks through her skirt. She tried to pull away, to turn around and kiss him, but the pressure of those arms she loved so much would not relent.

–How was your morning?– he asked without waiting for an answer as he advanced her into the room, pressing her body against his, pinning her upper torso tightly and igniting a flame of desire within her.

She advanced until her knees touched the side of the longest and widest part of the black Chaiselong that decorated the room. Upon contact with it Carlos made her lean over the arm of the furniture, resting her hands on the cushion. Her nostrils were flooded by a fragrance of berries. She shuddered as she smelled a slight hint of leather in the scent.

The welcome had taken her by surprise, coming from a normal day and suddenly she couldn't move. She tried to turn around again as she noticed the pressure on her body loosening, she wanted to look for his delicious brown eyes, but a whiplash of pleasure, with the first whip on her buttocks, brought her back to that position in which he had placed her.

Two, three, ten, twenty... she couldn't count them. Dry, sonorous, upward strokes, alternating from one buttock to the other to stop with a light caress on the skirt to begin again. The wave that each touch produced in her body made her arch her back, stretch her whole trunk at the same time that she could not hold back the moan of pleasure that welled up from her throat.

Almost involuntarily she accompanied each slap with a slight movement of her hips, offering one buttock and then the other. She loved the sound they made, the pulse of measured, intense, pleasurable pain that coursed through her from her tailbone to the nape of her neck with each impact. With her hands resting on the cushion she repositioned her body while, with desire, she bit her lower lip in anticipation of the next lash.

She was immobilized when he stopped. He was her master and she only wished to be at his beck and call. From that moment on her body did not belong to her, she had become Carlos' tool of perversion. The only thing she was allowed to do was to feel and vibrate to whatever happened from that moment on.

Stretching her arms along the cushion, she relaxed her body by unloading her weight on the arm of the chaiselong. The fingers of his right hand reached for something rough. Feeling it, he quickly identified it as a rope. He immediately raised his head in search of the loop in the rope. He slipped his hand into it leaving the knot untightened next to his wrist.

Her skin crawled with goose bumps as she noticed how Carlos dropped some of his weight onto her body, leaning against her. The breath of his breath came slowly up the right side of her neck making her throb.

–I see you got it little bitch. If you want to stop it your word is Hedgehog.– He said to her in a soft whisper.

Separating from her he took the hand he still had free and introduced it into another loop he had arranged for that purpose. He tightened both knots forcing her to stretch slightly, again immobilizing her from her upper trunk.

Despite the position she was comfortable. She had noticed extra padding on her abdomen as she dropped her weight on the arm of the chaise lounge, she imagined formed for some sheets or folded towels. He could offload some of his weight in that area and keep his legs and arms relatively relaxed. The knots over her wrists, though firm, were not rough or excessively tight. The whole situation turned her on in a way: the posture, not being able to move, not being able to be master of her body, the smells, offering herself submissively to her master..... Her mouth was salivating with desire and it wasn't the only thing that had become wet.

Carlos loosened the walnut-shaped bun with which he had combed his hair that morning. His freed hair fell over both sides of his face. Her locked hands tried to go to hold him as she heard him take several steps away from her. Not what she wanted away, she wanted him as close to her as possible, she needed that contact on his body. After a few seconds he stood in front of her.

Slowly raising her head she saw him for the first time that day. He was barefoot, which excited her. She didn't quite understand why, but she found his feet erotic. She enjoyed every time she touched them or when he, during their sessions, caressed her with them. If he placed them close to her face

As the only article of clothing he wore a pair of white linen pants in which, in addition to the contrast it produced with the color of his skin, the erection under it stood out. Sara tried to raise her head higher to see his face but they only reached his chest area before being blinded by the black leather tape he placed over his eyes. Her arousal multiplied : the uncertainty, the helplessness of not being able to move, the waiting for the next thing without knowing what,... the wetness of her sex was beginning to become evident through the lace thong she had put on.

Expectantly she listened as he positioned himself behind her again. The warm touch of his fingers on her inner thighs made her gasp. Slowly they worked their way down, tracing her legs until they reached the boots she wore, as she arched her back again at that caress. With two light strokes on her right leg she understood his intentions and he proceeded to remove her shoes and sock. The gesture was repeated on the other leg.

The fingers again ran up her legs in reverse, bristling her skin again as they ascended. They stopped on the back of the red, mid-thigh length, tube skirt she wore. He nimbly pulled down the zipper that fastened her skirt and in one smooth motion pushed it under her hips accompanying her down to her ankles. She raised her feet consecutively so that he could remove her.

Placing his erect penis, between her buttocks, over the thong strap, he again dropped some of his weight on her. Sara sighed with pleasure as he increased the pressure on her body. Wrapping both hands around her, he began to undo the buttons of her white shirt until it was completely loose. He pulled it up almost to her armpits, leaving most of her back uncovered. The bra, strapless style, fell down in the next movement.

She felt him slowly release the pressure on her body as she sat up, while another wave of pleasure washed over her as his hand stroked down her spine in a downward direction. Carlos squatted down, leaving Sara's ass right in front of his face, reveling in the view it offered. With his hands he grabbed the side straps of the thong which caused her to raise her hips as much as the bindings of his hands would allow. Sara wanted more and, innately, this movement was the way to offer her sex to her master, trying to make it as visible as she could.

The contact of Carlos's mouth on her sex made her legs tremble, she was about to drop all her weight on the chaise longue. As he finished pulling down her thong he had plunged his head between her buttocks. His tongue had been flooded with the fluids she had begun to produce from the first lash as she trembled with pleasure. He took his leave of the area, once the undergarment had been removed, with a final tongue caress that began on her clitoris and ended with a few circles on her anus. Sara gasped, fighting with her restraints trying to give him access to her sex again.

Carlos's hands pressed on her hips until she rested completely on the arm of the chaise longue. Next they moved down her right thigh, reached her knee and continued to her ankle pulling lightly on it, forcing her to shift it to the right. She slid a new loop down her foot to her ankle. Those hands that burned on her skin pulled the other ankle in the opposite direction to tie it as well.

She was completely immobilized, all her weight resting between the tips of her toes, her upper belly and her upper chest. Looking at her from behind, her body drew an inverted "V" crowned with her two buttocks. It was necessary to get closer to see that her body was still on the couch.

The first contact was light, soft, a caress of several strips of leather on her buttocks that she immediately identified as a flogger. The next one was a caress on her back, Sara moaned with pleasure at the path the straps were drawing on her body. The third touch was unexpected, dry, on the back of her right thigh. She tried to sit up but it was impossible. Then the toy reached her buttocks, she sighed with pleasure while with her hands she pulled on her restraints to try to lift her ass.

Will continue….

Translated with (free version)


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Well, Im in their blacklist, but it it not problem for me. I always will receive vote 🤣. Hivewatchers think that they are Hive's police but they only have a lot of HP for downvote. This are rules in Hive but they never will can close me account.