¡Buenos días querida colmena!
Good morning, dear hive!
I hope you have a wonderful day. This morning doing a review on hive I noticed this positivity tag I wanted to try it and today I'm here participating so if more let's go for the questions from friend @canelarecetas..
1- ¿Cuando algo no sale bien tratas de buscarle el lado positivo a la situación? When something does not go well, do you try to find the positive side of the situation?|
Yes mostly I try to see the positive side of everything and believe that everything is possible if you want to do it
2- | Ante algún problema ¿Intentas solucionarlo o te quedas atascado?In the event of a problem, do you try to solve it or do you get stuck?
To tell you the truth it's hard not to get stuck sometimes because we feel confused and sad, but whatever bad thing has happened to us we have to look for a little bit of positivity and faith and fight our way out of it, that's what I do
3-|¿Que sueles hacer cuando las cosas no salen como esperabas? What do you usually do when things don't go the way you expected?
Tell myself that not everything always goes right but that there will be better times and that we will make it at some point
4- ¿Del 1 al 10 que tan positivo te consideras?From 1 to 10, how positive do you consider yourself to be?|
Today I think I'm a 7 to 8 positive, but I'm trying my best to be more
5- ¿Tienes algún consejo, tip o mantra para incrementar el positivismo en ti? Si es así compártelo.?Do you have any advice, tip or mantra to increase positivity in yourself? If so, share it. |
I have a saying from a beloved favorite book Don Quixote of La Mancha "Where one door closes, another one opens" plus another one that says "You are never too old to have another goal or another dream"
I loved this tag, hive and the people who are part of it make me very proud, of what they are able to create today, I really congratulate you all for your good work this tag for me has a great meaning of knowing yourself more and more
Que lindo tu post, gracias por unirte :)