It's been a while since all this Covid-19 madness started and I think the animal that is not to blame is having a bad reputation.
Whether by natural mutation or something produced in a laboratory, this poor animal is only one more affected by the situation, because just as a person is not guilty of being infected, this strange and cute animal is even more innocent in its lack of reasoning .
This friend eats mainly insects and is in the lower branches of the food chain, to defend himself from his predators he can only hit with his tail, throw a stinky liquid or, as a last resort, curl up on himself.
Pangolin is woefully in danger and its biggest predators are panthers and humans.
How guilty can a creature be that only clings to planet earth fighting extinction against an unstoppable enemy?
I present you a little of the progress of this project carried out with watercolors.
This is the image that I have used as a reference to paint with watercolors.
The program that I have used to give the details in digital is KRITA.
You can also follow me on my twitter.
A special greeting to the communities of @discovery-it, @appreciator, @curangel, @gems, @OCD and @qurator for the support provided.
Copyright @andreasalas - All rights reserved
wow, I thought it was a real pangolin at first sight.