This is the illustration

in GEMSlast year

This is the illustration I got for the #marathon_forest_st_stories 🔥 In a similar theme I paint my canvases for the whole year 2023, so this marvelous marathon came very handy. In the collection of characters I added a raccoon, busy washing his striped shirt 😄 I hope that very soon I will transfer the handsome boy to the canvas and add to my collection (although such voluminous works are painted for a long time).

All works with characters are made in #karakuling_vangozhenka style. For those who are not familiar with my way of creating characters: on the sheet I summarily draw lines, in which I then look for characters, details, plot. For convenience, you can think in advance about the shape of the head, for example, a raccoon, and fit this element into other lines. Such an approach will allow you to create a completely new, incredible illustration, and the resulting characters can become independent elements of subsequent работ☺️.

You can see more examples by hashtag)

And while you are trying to understand the mechanism of creating illustrations, I hasten to thank the organizers and sponsors. Thank you for a wonderful marathon!








