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RE: My Covid Experience

in GEMS4 years ago

Gosh @deerjay, how remarkable are you, so strong and resilient going through what you have been through. Yes, there is no doubt it is not your time to transition over, you have more living to do on Earth and more posts to share. My prayers, light and love are with you as you get better and better. Thank you for sharing, you have done remarkably well writing this post given your unwellness. 💗


Thanks so much @angiemitchell!! I'm not gonna lie, I do feel changed and closer to God. I was a little scared because for a month up to this happening I was having some very strange things happening so I had a talk with God and told Him that only He and Jesus Christ can have my Soul when I pass on. It is what helped me to accept that it is all in His hands now. Thank you again for the prayers, they are appreciated!! 💕