Foto realizada con la imagen de Gems, imagen de Full Deportes elaborada desde canva y por último, la imagen de Loving Hive
Foto finalizada en canva
Photo made with the image of Gems, Full Deportes image made from canva and finally, the image of Loving Hive
Photo finished in canva
It fills me with satisfaction and excitement that #Hive is growing little by little. In addition, many new users enter the platform, in order to be supported by the curators and the different communities that exist in the Beehive, which become favorites for the author, since they constantly publish directly from them; therefore, today I will tell you which are my three (3) favorite communities.
GEMS (@gems-community)
GEMS (@gems-community)
The first call is for, @gems-community, a fantastic and incredible community in all its senses; it is fantastic, for the simple reason that every day the authors give their best to be supported by the curators (@appreciator, @rocky1 and @upmewhale) of this very popular community in Hive.
Likewise, when I get up at 9 in the morning (Venezuelan time), I always have in mind to check the @gems-community and read those publications that catch my attention. Sometimes, I find extremely extraordinary posts, which even make me want to share them on Twitter, but I stop. I just comment on the post, saying: "Keep it up, you're doing great".
I like the varied original content that there is in this community, from very early in the morning to when I go to sleep. People are very humble and friendly, in fact, I recommend them!
Having said that, now I want to touch on a very important subject regarding this question, which is the following: Why do I publish in @gems?
Publico mi contenido por 5 razones:
I publish my content for 5 reasons:
- Encuentras buenos contenidos para leer con una taza de café al ladito.
You find good contents to read with a cup of coffee.
- La creatividad resalta en el inicio de la comunidad.
Creativity stands out at the beginning of the community.
- Me encuentro con curiosidades que son buenas leerlas, como esta: Initiativa #MakeupChallenge - | Los Hombres También se maquillan! | #MarsCrea. Te quedó genial, bro.
I find curiosities that are good to read, like this: Initiative #MakeupChallenge - | Men make up too! | #MarsCrea. It looks great on you, bro.
- 1,503 activos en la comunidad y 7.094 suscriptores. Eso habla muy bien de la comunidad.
1,503 active in the community and 7,094 subscribers. That speaks very highly of the community.
- Suben vídeos divertidos de toda clase.
They upload fun videos of all kinds.
Comunidad de GEMS
GEMS Community

Full Deportes (@hive-189157)
Full Sports (@hive-189157)
A community just out of the oven, created in August, which bets on original content in all sports. Its administrator is none other than the renowned partner, @fermionico, who commands this community.
¿Por qué me gusta esta comunidad?
Why do I like this community?
Even though it is new and only has 7 publications, I consider it important for my evolution in sports journalism in Monagas, Venezuela.
I must confess that I have not yet been able to publish in the Full Deportes community, but in these days you will see my first publication and I will tell you that it will be about a player who has played for many teams in Venezuela. At this moment, he is in Peru coaching a team. More details coming soon!
I feel that this community will be seen by many through this publication and will increase its subscriptions little by little. As @fermionico says: "We are small, but we will grow as the sports spirit grows in the Hispanic American community".
La imagen que cree para Full Deportes, fue realizada desde canva
The image I created for Full Deportes, was made from canva
Comunidad de Full Deportes
Full Sports Community

Loving HIVE ❤
Loving HIVE ❤
The community of Loving Hive became known on August 1st of this year, thanks to the friends of @rutablockchain, who are the administrators of this prestigious community, where day by day we express our feelings and all the love we feel for #Hive. Love? Yes, love for #Hive dear reader.
Likewise, it is to admire the articles that I can find in Loving Hive. I feel completely in love with this community, and what better way to do it than to show what I feel for this Beehive in my articles.
You don't know how much I love this community, I love it! and I like to read them all. They show their love for Hive and that motivates me to share my love, affection, and others.
concursos.Sencillamente, publico en Loving Hive, porque es un modo de agradecimiento a todo lo que he podido comprar en tan corto tiempo. Gracias a #Hive, y ahora a Loving Hive como comunidad, he sido testigo de sus excelentes
contests.I simply publish in Loving Hive, because it is a way of thanking everything I have been able to buy in such a short time. Thanks to #Hive, and now to Loving Hive as a community, I have witnessed their excellent
Comunidad de Loving HIVE
Loving HIVE Community
Si no sabes como unirte a las comunidades, aquí te dejaré un tutorial que publique hace dos (2) meses.
If you don't know how to join the communities, here I leave you a tutorial that I published two (2) months ago.

Publicación de la iniciativa por @theycallmedan
Publication of the initiative by @theycallmedan
Gracias por compartir tu contenido con la comunidad de El Arca Delegate 25 HP Delegate 50 HP Delegate 100 HP Delegate 250HP Delegate 500HP (@elarca), el mismo ha sido votado por nuestra iniciativa de curación artística @stellae. Si deseas puedes delegar HP al proyecto:
Excelente hermano, espero poder leer tus post en full deporte, también la tengo en mi lista para publicar, el deporte es mi pasión por encima de cualquier otra cosa. Fanático de los Leones del Caracas, FC Barcelona, Yankees NY, y la lista sigue, jajaja.. Estaré atento a lo que traigas para el deporte.
Que bueno es escuchar estas palabras tuyas, hermano.
De ahora en adelante, me activaré para publicar mis contenidos deportivos.
Te invito a suscribirte a la comunidad de Full Deportes.
ya estoy suscrito... espero seguir contando con tus criticas para mejorar, ahora en mis publicaciones deportivas, considerando tu experiencia en la rama
Publicación compartida en Twitter:
Muy buena publicación amigo, gracias a ti conocí dos nuevas comunidades. Saludos!
¡Gracias por tu apoyo, amiga!
Únete a esas dos (2) comunidades.
listo amigo!
muy buen post.
¡Gracias, bro!
Gracias por tu amable mención..! Es increíble el entusiasmo que se va respirando dentro de la comunidad por el nuevo advenimiento...Seguro que constriremos cosas grande juntos..! Un abrazo..!
Estamos felices que nuestra comunidad esté teniendo eco..! Con tú mención ya logramos obtener nuevas suscripciones y hemos llegado a 40! Más allá de esto, vuestra amabilidad al mencionar algo tan novísimo, nos pone en el compromiso de construir un espacio de seriedad, con alegría, para el disfrute de todos los hispanohablantes..! Enhorabuena por tu publicación..!
Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community. Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.
Que buena elección amigo, revisaré esa comunidad Loving HIVE ❤ es una gran opción para demostrar el agradecimiento que sentimos por la plataforma. ¡Saludos!
Muy buena tu publicación, bien consistente. Adelante, ya te sigo.