This is my assistant. Her name is Margot.
She accompanies me on the street and at home. She is like a thread for a needle, like the tail of a dog, follows me almost always when I am in the yard. She even follows me into the woods if I go there without a dog.
This cat will be 13 years old in may this year. She was born on the day when the construction of my house began - on may 1.
А вот это моя помощница. Её зовут Марго.
Она сопровождает меня на улице и дома. Она как ниточка за иголочка, как хвостик у собачки, следует за мной практически всегда, когда я нахожусь во дворе. Она даже ходит за мной в лес, если я иду туда без собаки.
Этой кошке в мае этого года будет 13 лет. Она родилась в день начала строительства моего дома - 1 мая.
And this was her kitten. Now he is a big cat himself.
А это был её котёнок. Сейчас он уже и сам большой кот.
My wife is even sometimes jealous of my cat Margo.
Моя жена даже иногда ревнует меня к Марго.
Сhallenge "Daily Pet Photography" #dailypetphotography by @kona
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Black snow leopard 😁👍
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Good post
thank you @viral21
Good post
good post
I like your post
Good post
Good post
thank you @gaja9
what if you take a shot in a dark background lol
It's hard to find a black cat in a black room.
What if she's already left? :)
A very loyal pet... lucky to have one another 😄🐺
thank you @manorvillemike
Amazing, I also have a black cat, he's still a puppy, so he likes to bite and scratch all the time.
Kittens they always like to play!
Спасибо за пост на русском! Поддерживаем. 👍 👍 👍 Ваш Ru Trail.
Good post
Good post
Good post
Good post
Good post
Good post
Good post
Good post
Good pos
a beautiful name ..
Good post
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Sooo cute!
Good post
Good post
Margot looks like quite a love! I had a couple of black cats that lived a very long time and brought me a lot of joy. Love the shot of black Margot with her orange kitten.
thank you @owasco for your comment
She is absolutely gorgeous and the baby kitten, wow. no words 😻
thank you @cuko 😊