@appreciator is more focused on uplifting quality content on the Hive platform and in support of this endeavour, Top 5 posts will be selected daily to be featured here from manually curated posts.
The posts are selected on basis which deserve more recognition and are undervalued.
By: @alarconr22.arte
Los días han pasado y mi tiempo artístico transcurre entre hacer arte abstracto o hacer ilustraciones de personajes inventados o ya existentes
Travelfeed - Sümela Monastery - Trabzon And a Short Trip With My Friends - Part 1
By: @mnallica
Travelfeed - Sümela Monastery - Trabzon And a Short Trip With My Friends - Part 1
🐝 [HIVE] - ✨ 🍓 Introduce Yourself @Tesmoforia / ¡He vuelto! ¡ ¡ CHI CHEÑOOOOL ~ ! ! 🍓 ✨
By: @tesmoforia
La creatividad requiere el coraje de dejar ir las certezas.
Two years ago // Dos años atrás
By: @josehany
I thought I could handle everything but it got complicated
Promote appreciator profile photo paintings
By: @good-darma
This special edition for @appreciator ,, this is a work that I promote on my YouTube channel which has reached more than a thousand subscriber's.
Keep up the awesome work!
You can also keep up to date with latest developments and curation updates by following @appreciator. Join GEMS community to shed some more light on your genuine and quality content.
Disclaimer: Appreciator is merely a support system for the Hive Community and does not directly endorse any of the viewpoints shared in the selected posts.
I wish you all a great dayCongratulations to the entire team for and supporting the good work, it is a very important source of motivation for people. Excellent the post of the outstanding authors especially @mnallica, I loved the walk through nature and the beautiful images of the monastery.
You have just been bro-fisted by the guys in the man cave and now have 1 more BRO. Enjoy!**
For more info, please give us a look in here: https://discord.gg/qd8J2x3
Congratulation for users mention in the report today. regards from Venezuela.
I just delegated 100HP to support your delegation efforts on the blockchain. I am a content creator from Wordpress trying to see what's possible on this platform. Keep up the good work @appreciator! HAve A BRO!
Thank you so much.
Felicitaciones a los seleccionados! Me encantó tu dibujo @alarconr22.arte! También el trabajo de @good-darma👌. Good job Appreciator! 💜
Congratulations to the Top 5 Posts. Travel! This time to Turkey. Just love the post. There's also art, a new Hivian (Welcome to Hive), an interesting work experience and an A for effort in promoting Appreciator in YouTube. Enjoyed the selection today @appreciator. Thanks.
Felicitaciones a estos grandiosos seleccionados. Realmente, me suena como sueño el figurar en esta lista, que todos los usuarios de Hive deseamos, pero igual nos deleitamos con esta especie de antología de excelentes posts. Bendiciones de Dios.
(>o7o)> ☕ ✨ Thank you so much Appreciator!
I am full of motivation and good vibes to fill Hive with super happy things 🌈
Have a beautiful day! 💕