in GEMS5 years ago


@appreciator is more focused on uplifting quality content on the Hive platform and in support of this endeavour, Top 5 posts will be selected daily to be featured here from manually curated posts.


The posts are selected on basis which deserve more recognition and are undervalued.


Feliz cumpleaños mi amor / Happy birthday my love

By: @syllem


What can I say that I haven't already told you? If I've been fortunate enough to enjoy your affection and show you mine.


Miradas profundas / Deep insights (Esp/ Eng)

By: @constgaladriel


"Las puertas del alma"... Hace años que escuché esta frase - de una maestra- y me enamoré de ella. Se refería a los ojos. A partir de esa oración, cree mi propia visión, y empecé a indagar en las miradas.


Yo soy @Leomarisperezm y esta es mi presentación.

By: @leomarisperezm


Saludos amigos, soy @Leomarisperezm y esta es mi presentación. para #HIVE


Una anécdota de una Guardia de Hospital: bebió una sustancia prohibida...

By: @karii


Pasar horas, días en un hospital puedes ver muchas cosas. Cada una diferente, de ellas sacarás muchos aprendizajes como médico y como ser humano.


All I Want - Kodaline (Cover)

By: @gabrielamenesesg


Hello guys, how are you today? I’ve definitely have been better. I try to record this cover like a thousand times without crying but i fail every single one of them. I still feel like my heart is broken but i keep trying to feel better


Keep up the awesome work!

You can also keep up to date with latest developments and curation updates by following @appreciator. Join GEMS community to shed some more light on your genuine and quality content.


Disclaimer: Appreciator is merely a support system for the Hive Community and does not directly endorse any of the viewpoints shared in the selected posts.


As these dear friends, it is a real pleasure to greet and congratulate you for being the featured authors of the day.

I want to welcome a talented young woman, who arrives with great enthusiasm committed to letting us know her experiences.

Happy birthday to our friend, a joben who has many qualities ¨respectful, affectionate, supportive, intelligent and prudent¨ the light of the whole family.

Life is a real mystery, we never know what can happen to us, today we are well and tomorrow we make some wrong decisions, from which much can be learned.

People tend to accuse us of what happens to us, but looks make us see reality, there is no greater expression than those that our eyes contain.

I want to say goodbye with the cover of a very talented young woman. Music is a great companion in our lives, depending on what we hear, it makes us see how we feel.

I love visiting this healing report, it allows me to read and enjoy very beautiful work. Many thanks to the entire @appreciator team for bringing together very talented authors.

I wish you all a splendid day

Congratulation to the winner great work @appreciator God bless your crew

Un nuevo día. Energías renovadas.
Seguimos avanzando.

I wonder when will I be there 😊.

Thanks for the recognition. Being here is very rewarding and includes a commitment to share our knowledge and experiences from the heart, so that it is to the liking of the community.

A big hug for the team @appreciator.

Congratulations to all mentioned
Big hugs from here

Congratulations to all those selected today. Let the successes continue. It is very exciting to be there.

Wow..amazing pick @appreciator's curators.

Well done guys and congratulations to all daily top pick. Keep up the good work.

Thank u so much for your support, this is just .. i dont even have the right words. Thank you, thank you, thank you😢❤️