in GEMS5 years ago


@appreciator is more focused on uplifting quality content on the Hive platform and in support of this endeavour, Top 5 posts will be selected daily to be featured here from manually curated posts.


The posts are selected on basis which deserve more recognition and are undervalued.


Ruteros Especiales con @bluemist y resultados del concurso "Cómo @appreciator me Cambió la Vida"🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

By: @rutablockchain


Emocionados con todo lo ocurrido esta semana, queremos recapitular junto a ustedes que formaron parte primordial en todas las emociones vividas con la entrevista a @bluemist en el programa "Ruteros Especiales" y todo el asombroso contenido mostrado en el concurso "Cómo Appreciator Cambió mi Vida".


GuerreRoots for the first time in hive, introducing myself / GuerreRoots por primera vez en hive, presentándome (English/Spanish)

By: @guerreroots


Greetings to all the communities that make life in Hive and throughout its ecosystem.


¡Mí presentación!

By: @dojeda


Buenas Amigos me encuentro de regreso, no sé realmente si las personas con las que frecuentaba anteriormente emigraron a HIVE recuerdo que la última publicación la realice en Steemit muy lindos recuerdos me quedan de ahí.


Semana agotadora con final feliz

By: @marianviolinist


Está semana ha sido una de las más agotadoras que he tenido en meses. Lo bueno, es que llegue a casa y mi esposo me esperaba con esta delicia


Una anécdota de Guardia de Hospital: El contagio de una infección cambia vidas...

By: @karii


¡Saludos amigos!sigo escribiendo mis pequeñas anécdotas vividas en mis guardias
de hospital, en esta oportunidad les contaré un caso de un caballero,que por vivir una noche sin prevención, su vida le cambió.


Keep up the awesome work!

You can also keep up to date with latest developments and curation updates by following @appreciator. Join GEMS community to shed some more light on your genuine and quality content.


Disclaimer: Appreciator is merely a support system for the Hive Community and does not directly endorse any of the viewpoints shared in the selected posts.


Muchas gracias por esta mención, me motiva a seguir mejorando mi contenido, gracias @appreciator

Saludos a todos... Éxitos

Eres muy bienvenido

Thank you very much for the support.

Thank you so much for supporting always.

You guys are awesome. I am actually planning a short appreciation post for you guys. Well done!

Interesting topics selected this week, congratulations to all.

It is good to see again the updates of the new ones selected. Good interview with the routers of @rutablockchain.

Interesante los temas seleccionados, cada uno con una visión de vida distintas. Que bueno estar en este cuadro de honor, disfruten.


Muchas gracias

Excellent the interview that our friends have done to a person so loved and admired
That is how nice it is to work, to get home and to be waiting for you with dinner ready, it makes you forget the hard work.
My appreciation to people who do so much for the well-being of others, even with exposure to possible illnesses.

I wish you all a great weekGood afternoon dear friends of @appreciator, thank you very much for letting us know these new friends who come to our beloved company, for all of them, welcome and many successes in what they will develop in our social network. Excellent the selected post of the day, congratulations and thank you very much to all the @appreciator team for selecting them

Very good choice. Congratulations to the nominees.

Thank you
