arashthr cross-posted this post in GEMS 3 years ago

Games that you must play before you die

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

Games that you must play before you die


Hi. as may know I love making listings with different topics. This time I want to make a list of the most beautiful games that I ever played. As always all of my listings have been made with my thoughts. so everyone can have their taste and opinion and I respect that.

So here we go! what is your top 5 favorite games ever? what game did you play years ago and still remember it? let's keep going to find out mine.

Crysis 1


Crysis, An evolution for FPS genre. I can remember it when Crysis has released. I was a teenager, maybe 12-13 years old, and I had an Old pc that could not render Crysis :)). So I bought the game and went to my uncle's house in another city and played it with my cousin's PC 😅
I spent a week there and just played Crysis all over the days 😅
One year later, I bought a good Gaming pc, and I can remember how much I enjoyed playing Crysis. I finished it more than 10 times.
Crysis was a revolutionary game in every aspect
graphics, environment, designs, Gameplay, customizing guns, there was a lot of feature in the game that was new at the time.

I still keep those memories in my mind and I'm very glad that they announced a new version of Crysis games.

Mass Effect 2


Mass Effect 2, One of the greatest RPG games of history and the best of the whole series. What a great combination of gunfights and adventuring the whole universe! Mass of effect 2 has gathered all elements of a good game. awesome storyline, good gameplay, good environment, and all of RGP elements. I can remember how Mass Effect made noises when it was published. I played it back to when I was a teenager and still keep it in my mind.

Since then I didn't play it again. now when I'm writing this blog it came to my mind that goes buy and install it again and play it another time.

Witcher 3


This game does not need to be a compliment. It is clear to everyone what a perfect masterpiece Witcher is. What a combination of a great storyline and amazing gameplay. Environments and nature have been designed perfectly as well.
today I'm in love with RPG games, especially those that have an olden atmosphere and story. Since I am a nature traveler myself. It is very pleasant for me to see beautiful nature in games.

Witcher 3 is great, it is one of my bests of all gaming history. no more words need about this, if you have not played it yet just do it now!

Horizon zero dawn


Horizon zero dawn. A great and a little odd game. I know there are a lot of people who loved this. And Metacritic is Ok, but in my opinion, Horizon zero dawn is an Underrated game.
The game has been released in silence. no media has covered it that much, there was no hype. even I as a professional gamer found it by accident in a store. I know there are fans but I think this game has deserved a much higher welcome. For more explanation, you can compare this with the release date of Elden Ring. Even the new version of the game has been released in silence.

Horizon zero dawn is a masterpiece, when I bought the game I played it for 13 hours nonstop!!
Can you believe it? I can't either I was amazed by that unique atmosphere and environment, I spent so much time just exploring. The storyline is one the bests of all time! And the gameplay gives you sooo fucking much Fun.

In the end, Horizon zero dawn is the game that you must play before die!

Red Dead Redemption 2


We all heard a lot about RDR2. Media, people, and everyone have to talk about this game still.
But you know I think Red dead deserves it! every compliment of the game is real! they are not going to overrate it.
Yes red dead is a masterpiece, everything has detailed at perfection
Some games trying to be realistic but Red dead IS real! they did not just try, they did it!

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a great combination of gameplay, story, amazing environment, and the best characterization.

I haven't seen any characterization better than Red dead for example Duch Vanderlin.

In the end, there are a lot of games that could be on this list, such as God of war, Last of us, uncharted series, and a lot more. But first of all, I choose to keep the list short and pick some games that have unique things their selves, or some revolutionary games such as Crysis.

By the way, thank you for reading, As always I appreciate your support. Your upvotes mean a lot to me. And your comments can give me ideas for my upcoming contents so write down below for me, write everything you want, I will read them all.


What a terrible name)

We all going to die someday 😂😜 If dont like it just ignore it. there is no need to response! I just introduce top games of history that every gamer must play befor die. its just a tittle.