[En-Esp] Travel to the city where my parents live and visit the waters of Moses//Viaje a la cuidad donde vive mis padres y visita a las aguas de moises

in GEMS9 hours ago
Hello friends of the hive, it is a pleasure to greet you on this occasion, I hope you are well and have enjoyed a happy weekend, today I went on a trip to my parents' house for the carnival, in the Venezuelan east it is culture to celebrate the carnival, during my trip I passed through the waters of Moses and I want to present my experience.
Hola amigos de la colmena es un placer saludarles en esta oportunidad , espero se encuentren bien y hayan disfrutado un feliz fin de semana , hoy sali de viaje hacia casa de mis padres por motivo del carnaval , en el orinete venezolano es cultura celebrar el carnaval, en el transcurso de mi viaje pase por las aguas de moises y quiero presentarles mi experiencia


  course of the journey//transcurso del viaje
We left Barcelona at 10am, it takes approximately 4 hours to get to Carupano. This took a little longer because there were lines of cars going to the beaches and many police checkpoints on the road. I arrived at 2pm at a gas station and met a well-known Venezuelan comedian, but I didn't have the chance to take a photo of him.
Salimos a las 10 de barcelona de este a carupano son aproximadamente 4 horas , este se torno un poco mas largo ya que habian colas de automoviles desplazandose a las playas, y muchos puntos de control policiales en la carretera , llegue a las 2 de la tarde en un bomba de surtir gasolina me consegui a un reconocido humorista venezolano pero no tuve chance de tormarle foto


 visit to the waters of moses//visita a las agua de moises
Today I had an unpleasant surprise regarding this place, despite it being one of my favorite places, I had the opportunity to visit it a year ago and today when I was there again I noticed that it has not improved at all even though today there were many visitors, they have not noticed the facades, the entrances and it usually looks neglected, The waters of Moises are incredibly beautiful, hot spring pools but unfortunately they have not tried to give a better appearance to its infrastructure and in this way attract more visitors, in the same way it continues being one of my favorite places here in Sucre.
hoy me he llevado una desagradable sorpresa con respecto a este lugar , a pesar que es uno de mis lugares favoritos , tuve la oportunidad de visitarlo hace un año y hoy al estar de nuevo ahi en notado que no ha mejorado en lo absoluto a pesar que hoy habia muchos visitantes no lo han fintado las fachas las entradas y suele verse descuidado , Las aguas de Moises son increiblemente bellas , pozas de aguas termales pero que lastimosamente no hay procurado darle un mejor aspecto a su infraestructura y de esta forma llamar mas visitando , de igual forma sigue siendo uno de mis lugares favoritos aqui en sucre
