[Eng-Esp] Delicious toasts with banana, cheese and vegetables//Deliciosas tostadas de platano ,queso y vegetales

in GEMS10 days ago
Hello friends of the hive, it is a pleasure to greet you today, I hope you had a blessed day, on this new occasion I want to present these plantain toasts with cheese and vegetables, I hope you like them.
Hola amigos de la colmena es un placer saludarles el dia de hoy, espero hayan tenido un bendecido dia , en esta nueva oportunidad quiero presentarles estas tostadas de platano con quedo y vegetales espero les guste


    Used materials//materiales utilizados 
*ripe banana *onion *paprika *cheese
*platano maduro *cebolla *pimenton *queso


The first step is to remove the peel from the banana, then I chop it, place it in a container with water and let it cook, I chop the peppers and onion into small squares, in a pan I put margarine and fry the vegetables a little, then I grate the cheese.
El primer paso es quitarle la cascara al platano, luego Lo pico coloco en un recipiente con agua y dejo cocinar, pico en cuadritos pequeños el pimentos y cebolla, en una sarten coloco margarina y poco a sofreir los vegetales , luego rayo el queso


When the plantain is cooked to the desired level, I place it in a container and mash it, add the vegetables and cheese, form the dough, then place it in a bag, flatten it and shape it, put it in the budare to cook.
cuando el platano tenga la coccion que deseo lo coloco en un recipiente y trituro le agrego los vegetales y el queso , formo la masa luego de esto coloco en una bolsa aplasto y le doy la forma lo pongo en el budare a cocinar


Once they are ready they look like this, they are delicious
una vez que estan listas quedan de la siguiente forma , son deliciosas



very healthy recipe, congratulations, the only downside is that got burned and burned food entices cancer

I like this a lot because food is always special to me. You have made it very well and it is delicious too.