Hello friends of the hive, it is a pleasure to greet you on this new occasion. I hope you had a happy weekend. Today is my best friend's birthday, so I took advantage and went to the beach with her since I had not gone so far this year. We took advantage of this date to visit her.
Hola amigos de la colmena es un placer saludarles en esta nueva oportunidad , espero hayan pasado un feliz fin de semana , el dia de hoy mi mejor amiga esta de cumpleaños aproveche y fui para la playa con ella ya que no habia ido en lo que va del año , aprovechamos est fecha para visitarla
gifts he received//regalos que recibio
I brought her a bottle of wine, I gave her a shirt and a hat, and when she was there she received a very nice flower arrangement. For me, it is one of the nicest details that any woman could receive.
yo le lleve una botella de vino , le regale una camisa y un gorrito , cuando estaba recibio un arreglo de flores muy lindo para mi es uno de los detalles mas lindo que cualquier mujer pudiera recibir
Beach day//Dia de playa
We took some sweets and drinks and had a beautiful day. By the way, the color and temperature of the sea was incredible. We had a great time.
Nos llevamos algunos golocinas, bebidas y pasamos un hermoso dia , por cierto el color y temperatura del mar estaba increible la pasamos muy bien
Happy birthday//Cumpleaños feliz
Now you are going to sing happy birthday and this is your beautiful cake
Ahorita va cantar cumpleaño feliz y este es su hermoso pastel
Awwwww, I hope she had a great birthday. The hat and shirt are so cute!
Beautiful BD sea party , have nice life🌷
The cake looks so pretty just like the birthday girl