Buscando la felicidad / Searching for happiness [ESP-ENG]

in GEMS4 years ago

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La alegría se le esconde,
El la busca sin descanso.
Ella se bambolea serena, burlona
El la mira con anhelo. Deseoso.

Ella se le esconde en una risa,
En el café,
En las cobijas calidas cuando hay lluvia fuera,
En el viento de la tarde,
En el abrazo de su madre.

El la viste de sedas y parafernalias,
Ella se esconde en el disfraz de lo sencillo,
Ella se esconde en las pequeñas cosas,
Muy disimulada,
Casi imperceptible.
Donde no la puedan reconocer.

Es furtiva, es osada.
Ella se le pasa por la cara,
En el lengüetazo de su perro,
En el sabor de su comida favorita,
En los besos de su amada.

El sigue ciego.
El sigue pendejo.
La busca, la persigue, la añora.
Sin embargo no la reconoce.

El busca una foto de ella que no existe.
Una idea de ella que es y no es.
El no la busca a ella,
El busca cosas,
Porque él cree
Que lo valioso se viste de oro y lujos.

La ha visto a los ojos,
Le ha besado los labios,
La ha abrazado y bienquerido,
Pero la deja en otro plano,
Como esos personajes tontos.

Esos que nos dan risa
Que no reconocen a la princesa
Aunque la tienen de frente
Como Erick y Ariel,
Como nosotros y la vida.

La felicidad se le burla,
Se disfraza huye y se esconde,
Y mientras el sigue buscando,
El tiempo se le va pasando.

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English Version

Joy is hidden from him,
He seeks her relentlessly.
She sways serenely, mockingly.
He looks at her with longing. Desirous.

She hides in laughter,
In the coffee,
In the warm blankets when it's raining outside,
In the afternoon wind,
In his mother's embrace.

He dresses her in silks and paraphernalia,
She hides in the disguise of the simple,
She hides in the little things,
Very dissimulated,
Almost imperceptible.
Where she cannot be recognized.

She is furtive, she is daring.
She passes over your face,
In the lick of her dog,
In the taste of her favorite food,
In the kisses of his beloved.

He remains blind.
He is still an asshole.
He looks for her, he pursues her, he longs for her.
But he does not recognize her.

He looks for a picture of her that does not exist.
An idea of her that is and is not.
He is not looking for her,
He looks for things,
Because he believes
That what is valuable is dressed in gold and luxuries.

He has looked into her eyes,
He has kissed her lips,
He has embraced and loved her,
But he leaves her on another plane,
Like those silly characters.

Those that make us laugh
Who doesn't recognize the princess
Although they have her in front of them
Like Erick and Ariel,
Like us and life.

Happiness mocks her,
It disguises itself, runs away, and hides,
And while he keeps searching,
Time is passing him by.

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