todos pueden dibujar - everyone can draw

in GEMS2 years ago


❤️todos pueden dibujar - everyone can draw❤️

hello hello to this hard working community, let's say that I'm not like you who are 100% committed but I'm busy with work (of my own artistic branch) and have free spaces to write my thoughts or put my drawings and techniques that I use to have more economical materials to paint. At the moment I have two posts for you about drawing, but the time I use for drawing is short and today I wanted to talk about that.
hello hello to this hard working community, let's say that I'm not like you who are 100% committed but I'm busy with work (of my own artistic branch) and have free spaces to write my thoughts or put my drawings and techniques that I use to have more economical materials to paint. At the moment I have two posts for you about drawing, but the time I use for drawing is short and today I wanted to talk about that.


How much time I have to dedicate to drawing. Let's say it's difficult and even more if you have kids or extra responsibilities that don't even allow you to have personal time. I recommend literally to last every day an hour or 20 minutes drawing because that way you won't get out of hand and it will be easier when you have your finished work to say ¨ waoh I do everything and I was able to make a drawing¨
Cuánto tiempo tengo que dedicar a dibujar. Digamos que es difícil y más si tienes hijos o responsabilidades extras que ni siquiera te permiten tener tiempo personal. Yo recomiendo literalmente durar todos los días una hora o 20 minutos dibujando porque así no se te va a ir la mano y será más fácil que cuando tengas tu obra terminada digas ¨ waoh hago de todo y pude hacer un dibujo¨.


This is a very satisfying situation because you remind yourself that you are powerful and that you can do anything. I know that because of the situation in our country we don't even have enough to eat an ice cream for pleasure or there are people who have two jobs and are exhausted. I personally have been lost many times by that confilcto or that I do not have good internet to upload the video I have 3 to upload but calmly I will see how I do because I am born, and I think I do this not only for money if not because I love it and sure akguien likes, Example the post of drugs or pregnancy first me in if I use conversations and pegunte if I could publish it and aceotan that. Maybe they think ¨why post that if you didn't live it ¨ and my fellow proios are with me venting because they want to convey a message and feel that as they are incognito they can release that emotional charge.
Esta es una situación muy satisfactoria porque te recuerdas a ti mismo que eres poderoso y que puedes hacer cualquier cosa. Sé que por la situación de nuestro país no tenemos ni para comernos un helado por placer o hay gente que tiene hasta dos trabajos más colmena y están agotados. Yo personalmente me he perdido muchas veces por ese confilcto o que no tengo buen internet para subir el video tengo 3 para subir pero con calma voy a ver como hago porque me nace, y creo que hago esto no solo por dinero si no porque me encanta y seguro akguien le gusta, Ejemplo el post de drogas o embarazo primero me en si uso conversaciones y pegunte si lo pude publicar y aceotan eso. A lo mejor piensan ¨por que publica eso si no lo vivió ¨ y mis compañeros proios están conmigo desahogándose porque quieren transmitir un mensaje y sienten que como están de incógnito pueden liberar esa carga emocional.


I currently have a testimony of a man who lived through cisas that he wants to release and his doctor recommends him to talk about it even if it is through an anonymous account either because he is ashamed or because he wants to give his point of view.
Actualmente tengo un testimonio de un hombre que vivió cisas que quiere soltar y su médico le recomienda que hable de ello aunque sea a través de un relato anónimo ya sea por vergüenza o porque quiere dar su punto de vista.


But this post is written for people who for sure are not so interested in drawing because they think "I'm not good at drawing sticks" and let's say that's the first part of drawing anatomy. There are a lot of things you can learn without having to spend five hours on it. In fact, you can spend only 20 minutes and when you see the result you will say "wow, I did this with sticks".
Pero este post está escrito para gente que seguro que no está tan interesada en dibujar porque piensa "no se me da bien dibujar palos" y digamos que esa es la primera parte de dibujar anatomía. Hay muchas cosas que puedes aprender sin tener que dedicarle cinco horas. De hecho, puedes dedicarle sólo 20 minutos y cuando veas el resultado dirás "vaya, esto lo he hecho con palitos".


As in the movie ¨anybody can cook ¨ it's just like crafts, even if you say it's not your thing, you can create a lot and stimulate the part of the brain where the creative part is generated. Never put buts to anything because I know that if you can you can eat the world. With this little reflection I hope it reaches someone's heart and they think about trying it and that is the greatest gift for me now if I say goodbye and I don't think I will leave because I want to be more active than ever, so a kiss to everyone and never stop working and dreaming because that dream can come.
Como en la película ¨anybody can cook ¨ es igual que las manualidades, aunque digas que no es lo tuyo, puedes crear mucho y estimular la parte del cerebro donde se genera la parte creativa. Nunca le pongas peros a nada porque se que si puedes te comes el mundo. Con esta pequeña reflexión espero que llegue al corazón de alguien y piense en intentarlo y ese es el mayor regalo para mi ahora si me despido y no creo que me vaya porque quiero estar más activa que nunca, así que un beso a todos y nunca dejéis de trabajar y soñar porque ese sueño puede llegar


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