If you are a 90’s kid and you are from India than chances are that you know this brand as it is a huge Nostalgia for us.
This brand turned every Indian mother's biggest headache into a 10-minute solution. But their success story has an unexpected twist. You see, back in the day, Medicare, now owned by the Mariko Company , was tackling a unique problem. While the traditional lice removal meant hours of oiling, combing and picking, Medicare offered a simple shampoo solution.
Their Sunday to Sunday campaign was a masterclass in consumer education and habit formation. By promoting a user-friendly, once a week Sunday habit, the brand encouraged Indian mothers to consistently use Medicare, embedding Medicare into countless households weekend routines.
But not everything is as Rosy as it looks
Here is where it gets interesting. While competitors were expanding into various hair care segments, Medicare faced a strategic dilemma. They had two choices: stick to their niche as the anti-lice expert, or expand into broader hair care. They chose to stay in their lane, but, this loyalty to their niche came at a price.
While brands like Clinic Plus and Head & Shoulders diversified into multiple segments, Medico remained boxed in by its singular identity.
Despite having a trusted name in Indian households, the brand struggled to grow beyond its anti-lice positioning.
The startup lesson here is clear. Sometimes your brand positioning can become your biggest limitation.
So when choosing your niche and offerings positioning, consider not just where you start, but where you can go and position yourself accordingly.
Both the Footer and Header were created by me on Canva