My first 3speak video | My introduction to 3speak family

in GEMS5 years ago (edited)

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Hey guys how are you?

This is my first threespeak video. I heard about threespeak long ago but never published a video. But now I am thinking about publishing a video every day. This is a great vlogging platform.

So now the question is, who am I?

Hello, my name is Aryanakk and I am from India. I have completed graduation, but currently, I am unemployed. In this lockdown time, I am practicing my English as I am not perfect in English and it is hard to get a job without English. I think this is why I am jobless. Lol

So, guys, I hope you like my video. I will try to publish a video daily on 3Speak from today.

Thank you!!!

Sorry guys, by mistake I deleted the video from 3speak. You can watch this video here.

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Hey @aryankk congratulation for your first 3speak video

hey thank you so much

Welcome aboard!

Thank you sir!!