(ESP-ING) No somos perfectos y eso está bien//We are not perfect and that's okay

in GEMS4 years ago

No somos perfectos y eso está bien

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No soy perfecta pero me esfuerzo por mejorar…

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No soy perfecta porque soy un ser humano llena de miles defectos como tú…

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No soy perfecta pero con mis errores comprendo que debo trabajar en ellos, por amor a quienes nos rodean.

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Si fuera perfecta no tendría sentido mi vida, sin cambios por incluir, sin mejoras en mi vida, sin enseñanzas.

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Tú no eres perfecto y eso está bien…

We are not perfect and that's okay
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I'm not perfect but I strive to improve...
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I am not perfect because I am a human being full of thousands of defects like you...
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I am not perfect but with my mistakes I understand that I must work on them, out of love for those around us.
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If I were perfect my life would be meaningless, no changes to include, no improvements in my life, no teachings.
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You are not perfect and that's okay....

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)