Photo Filters And Effects Contest - Week 7

in GEMS5 years ago

¡Feliz día!

Nuevamente @bliss11 y @drakernoise nos ofrecen la oportunidad de participar en una hermosa iniciativa.

Concurso de @bliss11

Una iniciativa para impulsar la creatividad mediante la fotografía.

Y como jurado @nestorgarcia. Mencionar también el apoyo a la iniciativa por @brittandjosie

An initiative to promote creativity through photography.

Again @bliss11 and @drakernoise offer us the opportunity to participate in a beautiful initiative And as a juror @nestorgarcia. It also mentions the support to the initiative of @brittandjosie

Primer paso

La naturaleza es algo maravilloso, la primavera es mi estación del año favorita, tal vez porque todo toma vida. En este primer paso la selección de la imagen para el concurso.

First step.
Nature is a wonderful thing, spring is my favorite season of the year, maybe because everything comes to life. In this first step the selection of the image for the contest.

First step.
Second step

Segundo paso.
Ahora agregando filtros, primer filtro aplicado “movimiento” y el segundo “solarización”. Me gusto mucho el efecto del primer filtro, casi lo dejo así pero probe con el segundo y le daba más intensidad. Deseando que les guste el juego con efectos.

Second step.
Now adding filters, the first filter applied "movement" and the second "solarization". I really liked the effect of the first filter, I almost left it like that but I tried the second one and gave it more intensity. Wishing you like the game with effects.

Esta iniciativa es genial, sencilla, invitando a la investigación, promoviendo la fotografía y la infinidad de cosas que se pueden hacer a través de ella.
¡Tú también puedes participar!

Agradecida con la última mención ofrecida por @brittandjosie

Diseño tomado de la publicación inicial

This initiative is big, simple, inviting research, promoting photography and the infinite things that can be done through it.

You can participate too! Grateful with the last mention offered by @brittandjosie

¡Disfruta de Steemit!

Siéntelo y compártelo.

¡Un abrazo cargado de los mejores deseos para tod@s!



How do you successfully upload photos? When I add them it says upload failed and when I link them from imgur they don't show up in my post

You must be doing something wrong @realitycartoon... are you using

No I use

There seem to be a problem loading pictures at the moment , i have the same

Well sometimes they play with the code then you can be sure that it will eventually change. Give it some time and check again. Hope it will be sorted soon 😉

From @realitycartoon

I tried to Edit my post in peakd but only 1 of 3 photos was successful

I refreshed and did the photos one by one

I gave up after 1 hour. Been posting on Steem for 4 years so I know I do it right. It's something wrong with the hive server because 90% of the posts have no photos

I know , and we have to wait for it to be normal again , i read that the pictures will show after the glitch , but i wonder how if they didnt load in the first place

I think its a great flowery entry, and it makes me happy, i love the colors, great that you joined the contest , i wish you good luck

Quite appropriate image for this spring flowered boom...
Thanks so much for taking the time to participate and best of luck!Great job on this one @avellana, the centered light in the middle of the flower is just cool! You got also a psychedelic look that I love, well done!

Gran trabajo Avellana, el resplandor centrado en la flor mola! Conseguiste también un aspecto psicodélico que me encanta, bien hecho!
Muy apropiada la imagen para esta explosión de flores de primavera...
Gracias por dedicarnos parte de tu valioso tiempo y participar, mucha suerte!

Abrazos || Hugs 🤗🤗🤗

Always bringing to us a sweet and nice effect. The original photo is beautiful too, thank you for participating in the contest. 🤗

EspectacularTe quedó fabuloso, amiga @avellana.

What a beautiful & vibrant collage this turned out to be! Glad you added the second step!

Learn more.This post earned a total payout of 6.928$ and 3.464$ worth of author reward that was liquified using @likwid.