(ESP-ING) Si la vida es un momento porque desperdiciarla ||| If life is a moment, why waste it?

in GEMS4 years ago

Hola mis compañeros de Hive, tengo mucho tiempo descuidando la plataforma, pero es que se me han venido tantas cosas juntas que a veces no se como dividir mi tiempo, pero esta vez decidí tomar unos minutos para compartir un poco de mi pensamiento.

Hello my fellow Hive members, I have been neglecting the platform for a long time, but I have so many things coming together that sometimes I don't know how to divide my time, but this time I decided to take a few minutes to share some of my thoughts.

Muchas veces creemos sabérnosla todas y tomamos actitudes inadecuadas con las personas que a diario nos acompañan, en especial cuando convivimos con los padres, hoy reflexionó sobre los tipos de amor ❤️ una amiga está pasando por un mal momento ella está en chile, siempre vivió con su mamá y peleaban a diario, recuerdo sus palabras "Vivo con ella porque no tengo para donde irme, pero como quisiera vivir lejos de ella".

Many times we think we know it all and we take inappropriate attitudes with the people who accompany us daily, especially when we live with parents, today I reflected on the types of love ❤️ a friend is going through a bad time she is in chile, always lived with her mother and fought daily, I remember her words "I live with her because I have nowhere to go, but how I would like to live away from her".

Un día se le cumplió el deseo, un amigo le consiguió el pasaje para irse a Chile a trabajar, ella sin pensarlo dos veces agarró sus maletas y se fue, siendo hija única, su mamá cumpliendo doble rol mamá y papá a la vez, se quedó sola en su casa, una mamá de esas que nada la derrumba, ella se quedó aquí trabajando, realmente las dos se mantenían y podían sobre llevar todo este tiempo pues tenían una buena posición, pues su mamá tiene un puesto de empanadas grande con empleados y todo, quedaba saliendo de la villa dónde se ubica su casa.

One day she got her wish, a friend got her the ticket to go to Chile to work, she without thinking twice grabbed her bags and left, being an only child, her mother fulfilling the double role of mother and father at the same time, she was left alone at home, a mother of those that nothing collapses, she stayed here working, really both were supported and could carry all this time because they had a good position, because her mother has a large empanada stand with employees and everything, it was just outside the village where her house is located.

A veces los padres cometen el error de darlo todo por los hijos y no enseñarle a valorar cada logro y cada esfuerzo que hacemos para conseguir las cosas día a día, está hija no supo valorar todos los sacrificios que su mamá hizo, para que ella logrará ser una profesional, no aprovecho cada momento a su lado, su mamá muchas veces le propuso trabajar como encargada del local, pero a ella le parecía poca cosa, se fue y ni siquiera le ofreció que se fuesen juntas, su mamá desde entonces no volvió a ser la misma nunca y como si era su única hija y de un día para el otro le dijo mamá me voy para Chile en dos días.

Sometimes parents make the mistake of giving everything for their children and not teaching them to value every achievement and every effort we make to achieve things day by day, this daughter did not know how to value all the sacrifices her mother made so that she could become a professional, she did not take advantage of every moment by her side, Her mother many times proposed her to work as a manager of the store, but she thought it was not enough, she left and did not even offer her to leave together, since then her mother was never the same and as if she was her only daughter and from one day to the other she told her mother I am leaving for Chile in two days.

Hace un par de semanas la señora Zumeris se enfermo de Covid-19, pues ella estaba atendiendo su negocio y ya no tenía la misma cantidad de empleados, le toco encargarse a ella misma, enfermo y no le dijo nada a su hija, en vista de lo mal que se sentía la llamo hace 5 días para decirle que estaba muy grave, internada en una clínica pero que estaba segura que de esta no se salvaba, mi amiga desesperada, decidió venirse para ayudarla con lo necesario, llegó hace dos horas y solo alcanzo a despedirse de ella y darle la bendición, una triste historia, con un final amargo, mi amiga está embarazada y no alcanzo a contarle a su mamá 😞,nunca le dio el valor suficiente, nunca le dio el amor necesario, nunca comprendió sus consejos ni su amor 💔 fue un amor fugaz. Que dios la tenga en la gloria y le de la fortaleza para lograr encontrar la paz para su alma, Zumeris, mujer noble, de corazón valiente.

A couple of weeks ago Mrs. Zumeris got sick with Covid-19, because she was taking care of her business and no longer had the same number of employees, she had to take care of herself, she got sick and did not say anything to her daughter, in view of how bad she felt she called her 5 days ago to tell her that she was very serious, hospitalized in a clinic but she was sure that she would not be saved, My friend, desperate, decided to come to help her with what she needed, she arrived two hours ago and only managed to say goodbye to her and give her a blessing, a sad story, with a bitter end, my friend is pregnant and did not manage to tell her mother 😞, she never gave her enough courage, she never gave her the necessary love, she never understood her advice or her love 💔 it was a fleeting love. May God have her in glory and give her the strength to find peace for her soul, Zumeris, a noble woman with a brave heart.

Siempre recordaré tu consejo al saber que me separaba de mi esposo: "nunca busques padre sustituto son los más dañinos", quédate sola hasta que crezca tu hijo, disfrútalo y amalo, enséñale valores, por que un día crecen y no se acuerdan ni de ti y lo único que nos queda es la satisfacción de todo lo que dimos por ellos.

I will always remember your advice when I was separated from my husband: "never look for a substitute father, they are the most harmful", stay alone until your child grows up, enjoy and love them, teach them values, because one day they will grow up and they won't even remember you and the only thing we have left is the satisfaction of everything we gave for them.

Thank you for reading

I look forward to your comments and suggestions... All are welcome and will motivate me to be a better content creator and to become a contributing member of the community.
Image made with Canva and translation made with Deepl.
