Had a misunderstanding with my Dad and I started giving him attitude but he would still find a way to Change the whole situation and we end up in good terms again.
Sometimes he starts up something and I get mad as to why he would say something like that seeing as I am an adult already.lol
So I try to do things my way.
Forgetting I still need every inch of his support,love and care.
Most times we think we are too grown up to listen to our parents.
Or we feel too big and mature.
So we start the act of rebellion towards them.
Forgetting no matter how grown we've become,they are still our parents.
Seen in movies and some real life situation where children become pissed off by their parents behavior.
Especially during old age.
They tend to forget things amongst other illness.
They become weak and unable to tend to their needs themselves.
But most children at this age leave their parents and sometimes feel irritated by their childish behavior.
But what we don't understand is that,there was a time when we were kids and our parents would do Everything in their power to tend to our needs and not get tired.
So it's our duty to also do the same for them when they get old. I know parents sometimes might get on our nerves but that should not stop us from giving them the adequate love they deserve.
Take them out,spend quality time with them. Make them feel loved. We don't have to neglect our parents or just keep them locked up in some old aged home.
I feel that's the age they will need their children close to them.
We should value our parents while they are still with us. Alive and healthy so we won't regret not being there for them when they are no longer with us.
So,don't be get mad when they forget things or walk slow.
Remember they feed you,held your hand, thought you how to speak.
So do same for them.
When am able to provide for my parents and make them feel ontop of the world, that's when I will know have finally been able to achieve one of my aim in life.
So if you haven't called your parents or visited them in a while,now is a good chance to do so... remember time waits for no mind and they are not getting any younger.
Love you all♥️