Mr. Helios was entrusted with directing the landing. No one knew why Mr. Helios was nicknamed Eagle Owl. Maybe he looked like someone?
However, the owl was the coolest of all the landing. The operation began at sunset. This city had to be captured quietly and invisibly for its inhabitants.
Руководить высадкой десанта было поручено мистеру Гелиосу. Никто не знал, почему мистер Гелиос носил кличку Филин. Может быть он был на кого-то похож?
Однако, Филин был самым крутым из всего десанта.
Операция началась на закате. Этот город надо было захватить тихо и незаметно для его жителей.
Dozens of ships descended into the streets of the city, which was preparing for a night's sleep.
Десятки кораблей спускались на улицы города, который готовился к ночному сну.
They looked like multi-colored luminous balls. Each ball was someone else's dream. For one resident, the dream was calm and green, for another it was changeably yellow. Someone was very active in a dream and his dream emitted a red color.
What color is your night's sleep?
Они были похожи на разноцветные светящиеся шары. Каждый шар был чьим-то сном. У одного жителя сон был спокойным и зелёным, у другого - переменчиво жёлтым. Кто-то был очень активен во сне и его сон испускал красный цвет.
А какого цвета твой ночной сон?
I thank @rorxco for the idea of using Mr. Helios in a different way. I’ll talk about this method another time. Good night, good dreams.
Я благодарю @rorxco за идею использования мистера Гелиоса другим способом. Об этом способе я расскажу в другой раз. Спокойной ночи и приятных снов.
From Russia with Love
My last posts

This is how my eyes are with tree pollen allergies :-)
Take care of your eyes, you should look at these photos with goggles and a breathing mask :-)))
I needs some nice big goggles with prescription lenses.
Wohoo! So cool that you just tried that so quick. I'm really glad to see your photos and actually feel inspired to shoot with it maybe tomorrow. Are those shots from your balcony by the way ? If so than you have a really good view.
Thanks for stopping by :-)
These are pictures from the 8th floor. I leaned out the window to make them.
Lights give interesting shapes. I want to try to take pictures of greenery in sunny weather. Must be interesting.
Interesting conception!)