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RE: Commitment and accountability

in GEMS4 years ago

Well, there you go.. The whole idea behind a "Social Platform". Being non-social just seems counter productive to the whole cause. I think you said it best when you stated:

Leaving a comment on a post that may not normally get any is a powerful thing - It validates that users existence here, inspires them to continue because someone read and commented.

I remember those first few comments and "Engagements" I had 961 days ago (March 12th, 2018). Those comments and ultimately those relationships I forged then, gave me the motivation to keep on keepin on. Sure, I have had times where my priorities needed shifted this way or that, but I didn't give up and most certainly didn't forget those friendships I loved so very much.

The toughest part, for me at least, is the balance. I have so many pots that need stirring, that I question myself some days as to why I started this ball rolling. Why do I invest the time? Why did I invest money in this? When am I going to get time to write that post?? Where am I going to get the time to engage with my friends here, let alone "Outside of my circles"? It's a tough balance .. work, home life, family, other hobbies, sleep, and food.. lol. Where does Hive fit in?? How can I keep my Hive alive?

If you enjoy something, you find a way to balance it in. I am still working on that one! I can not compare myself to the Superman of Commenting that defines you, but rather will find my own balance and thresholds. I don't just do that with Hive, I have to do that with lots of little things that require my attention to keep the fun going.

I am a firm believer of something.. If you don't pay enough attention to "something" (that could be anything, like a mate, friend, hobby, religion.. whatever is important to you), then that something will eventually suffer and then die. That to me is Life; Figuring out what's important, what makes YOU HAPPY, and dividing your attention towards those things.

I still find that Hive makes me happy, and somehow I find the time to enjoy it. I wish I had more time.

Best of luck with your goals.. although it looks like you'll be sail by them.


You've made some good points, not least of which is the time factor. Yeah, it takes time and in modern society when people are mostly time-poor it's something that needs to be thought about. Clearly you enjoy it so you make the time and hive commensurate to the time you have available. It's important to prioritise also of course, which you're also doing.

Having said that though, I see people flicking their phones o that endless Facebook feed, barely staying long enough to actually absorb anything, passing over the information, images or whatever in an almost zombie-like state...And they call that time well spent.

Hive is different, can be different if a person chooses it to be. Like you say, engage with ones' friends, maybe add in a little extra engagement with others outside one's own group...It's a flow of information and a deeper connection to people around the world than the superficial nature of Facebook or the other social medias.

So, yep, you'll find the time if you want to. I have mates who do many things, and never understood how they could fit children into their lives. Once the rug-rats popped out though...Yeah, they still do those other things and fit the kids in. Human's are adaptable. We'll find the time for what we value.

As long as you enjoy hive then it's the place to be. I think I said in another comment here, if I stop enjoying it, I'll stop doing it, and I mean that. There'll be no idiotic announcement post, I'll just cease to be here.

Thanks for your comment, I appreciate it.


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